Chapter 23

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Magicclaw stalked through the undergrowth, she had asked Firestar if she could go to Fourrocks early. With some persuasion; Firestar had let her go. Magicclaw stopped at the edge of Fourrocks, the clearing was empty. Good, she thought, we can talk without anyone overhearing. Magicclaw jumped on top of High Rock, looking in the direction of the Airclan border.

"Other way, Magicclaw."

Magicclaw turned around and saw Spiritfur and Shadowclaw, their pelts looked soaked. Had they been hiding near the gorge? She wondered as they jumped up to join her.

"Okay, what are we gonna do about Scourge?" Shadowclaw asked, turning their mother's amber-like gaze on them, but instead of kindness, they were cold and serious.

"He attacked Leaffeather near our border." Magicclaw explained to Spiritfur. Her gaze widened, pure shock.


"We don't know, he had a message for me but Leaffeather was in no state to tell it so I told him to save his breath."

Spiritfur nodded slowly, "is he okay?" she asked, Magicclaw nodded.

Shadowclaw gave his broad head a jerk, as if getting rid of a warrior that clung on to his neck, Magicclaw growled, they would fight together when the time came but what about after? She didn't have an answer to that question, they belonged to different clans, they would have to get used to possibly fighting each other. Magicclaw shivered at the thought.

"Let's wait until our clans get here, and Iceclan." She mewed, then she remembered, she didn't choose the other cat that would come. Hopefully Firestar chooses well, Magicclaw thought. Shadowclaw scraped his claws against the rock, glaring out into the forest. Spiritfur jumped down and was underneath the rock, Probably trying to stay hidden, Magicclaw realized, her clan doesn't know she's here, and neither do Shadowclaw's. She lifted her head and tasted the air; dusk will be here soon.

"Attack!" Shadowclaw howled as he launched himself on top of Magicclaw, pinning her down with a sheathed paw, she rolled over striking him with hide paws throwing him off her. With a yowl she leaped at Shadowclaw before he could get up, pinning him down.

"I won!" She yowled.

Shadowclaw stiffened and Magicclaw turned around to see Shadowstar and Firestar padding toward them, taking the opportunity of distraction, Shadowclaw wriggled from underneath her and tried to swap at her but Magicclaw caught his paws with hers.

"Looks like you two are having fun." Shadowstar commented, with a slight edge to his deep voice. Firestar nodded, giving Shadowstar a long look. He ignored it but there was a look of laughter in his eyes.

Magicclaw nodded as she pushed Shadowclaw's paws away from her, making him lose his balance. She turned to the leaders, but before she could say anything Windstar and RIverstar came into view. They were followed by their deputies, Windstar had brought Goresleaf, and Riverstar had brought a cat that Magicclaw didn't recognize. WIndstar's gaze was cold when he laid eyes on Shadowclaw.

"Where's Spiritfur?" He growled, his tail tip twitching. Gorseleaf glared at Shadowclaw.

Shadowclaw dipped his head and jerked it slightly, Magicclaw recognized the signal, and as soon as he did that Spiritfur emerged from underneath the High Rock, her pelt looked silver in the moonlight, the markings on her fur grew darker as the moonlight washed over her.

"Spiritfur, you're safe!" Gorseleaf exclaimed and raced to her, rubbing his muzzle against hers, Spiritfur purred. Gorseleaf pulled away. "What happened?" He asked and looked at Shadowclaw, with a cold glare.

"He wanted to show me something." Spiritfur answered simply, glancing at Shadowclaw who gave a grunt in response. Magicclaw let out a purr of amusement, it was obvious that Shadowclaw wasn't ready to give their sister over to another male.

"Well, it seems like they know each other very well." Riverstar mewed, her eyes were curious, and Magicclaw couldn't tell if she was pleased or not. Suddenly, Spiritfur jumped onto Shadowclaw's back pinning him to the ground, with a grunt he shook her off but instead of attacking her again he stretched his claws to the tips. Gorseleaf stared at him and opened his mouth to say something, but she spoke first.

"You're not gonna kill her?" Magicclaw teased, Shadowclaw looked up at her.

"Why kill her when I can kill you, mouse?"

"Mouse!" Spiritfur sat up straight and looked at Magicclaw.

"I'm not a mouse!"

"Let's see about that, shall we?" Shadowclaw meowed as he dropped into a hunter's crouch. "Enough!" Shadowstar mewoed before Shadowclaw could pounce on her.

"Awe, come on, Shadowstar. That mouse can feed us for days!"

Magicclaw growled and launched herself at Shadowclaw, "does a mouse fight back?" she hissed. Shadowclaw rolled over and shook her off.

"How do you three know each other so well?" RIverstar mewed, Magicclaw glanced at Spiritfur until their eyes met. Then she did the same to Shadowclaw, "How did you two come to the clans?" She asked, she knew that this was the easiest way to get the leaders to talk without making a scene. She recalled her time in Fireclan, this was her home now.

"I remember when you came to Thunderclan, the most beautiful she-cat I have ever seen." Deadshadow had come up, and was gazing at Magicclaw with love in his eyes. She felt herself grow hot from ears to her tail-tip in happiness and embarrassment. Why does he have to be so.... Magicclaw couldn't find the right words to finish her thought.

"Sister, help!" Spiritfur squealed as Shadowclaw backed her up onto the High rock. "Sister?!" everyone gasped. Good going! Magicclaw thought, she couldn't be angry, though. Better be straightforward with it, she decided. She ignored her sister, instead she turned to Windstar,

"When Spiritfur came to our camp she was injured, her leg was twisted but it healed in a few days. I gave an order to Gorseleaf to watch over her." Windclaw began, "soon, she was able to leave but she asked us to accept her into the clan, Gorseleaf here had grown close to her."

"Then I became Gorseleaf's apprentice!" Spiritfur finished, with a little excited wave of her tail. That's how they became so close Magicclaw realized.

Riverstar gave a lash of her tail, "what is this all about?" she growled. Eyeing Magicclaw with a cold glare that almost surprised Magicclaw more then the thought of her father killing innocent cats. "How in the name of starclan, are you brother and sisters?" Magicclaw lowered her gaze as Firestar gazed at her, Shadowclaw came and stood beside, pressing himself against her to show her his support. Deadshadow glared at him in jealousy, but Shadowclaw only gave a small nod of approval. His support for her choice of mate warmed Magicclaw, but it didn't last long as she went into the story.

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