Chapter 17

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The sun was slipping behind the trees as Magicclaw made it to Fourrocks, panting hard. Shadowclaw and Spiritfur were waiting for her.

"Magicclaw! You're here!" Spiritfur raced toward her, rubbing her muzzle against hers.

"You look as big as a badger!" Shadowclaw chimed as he padded up. Spiritfur inspected Magicclaw.

"I'm expecting kits." Magicclaw explained nervously. Spiritfur's ice blue eyes and Shadowclaw's dark brown ones lit up with surprise.

"Wow! Our little sis' is expecting kits!" Shadowclaw pressed his muzzle against hers, she let out a purr, then it was caught in her throat.

"What would Father think?" She mewed softly. Spiritfur let out a comforting purr.

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, we believe that he's the reason with these attacks. Right now, he is not our father!" Rage lit up Shadowclaw's gaze, then he relaxed. "My mate, Hawkmoon, is expecting my kits." He mewed.

"Wow! And I'm the only one without kits!" Spiritfur pointed out. The sun was fading into the sky.

"I have to go, Deadshadow will be worried about me." Dipping her head, Magicclaw climbed the slope and headed into the forest back to camp, her paws felt lighter then before. Her brother and her kits would grow up alongside each other, but what'll happen when their secret comes out? Magicclaw pushed the thought away with a shake of her head, that didn't matter. She saw scuffling in the undergrowth and instinctively dropped into a hunter's crouch. Creeping forward she jumped, landing on the mouse that ventured out a heartbeat before. Standing up with it dangling limply in her jaws, she started back to camp. Once she got into the clearing she was panting around a mouthful of fur.

"Magicclaw, There you are!" Deadshadow's worried mew echoed across the clearing as he pelted toward her. "I've been looking everywhere for you, you're going into the nursery right now!" He added as he started nudging her toward the bramble den.

"Deadshadow keep your fur on! I only went for a walk, and I caught you some prey." Magicclaw purred with amusement and nodded to the mouse on the ground. She looked back up at him, his dark brown eyes were filled with love, pressing against him, she allowed him to steer her toward the nursery. Padding inside, Magicclaw saw three nests.

"We made you a nest." Meadowbreeze explained. Snowkit and Sunkit we're bouncing around the moss, flatting it, they stopped when they say Magicclaw.

"Hi!" Snowkit squeaked.

"We made you're nest nice and warm!" Sunkit chirped before climbing out of the nest with Snowkit. Magicclaw curled up in her new nest, she looked up at Deadshadow.

"I'll visit you everyday." He promised. "Can you ask Firestar to come here? I want her opinion on who'll be deputy in my place while I'm nursing kits." Magicclaw asked.

He nodded and backed out of the den, she didn't tell him how she really felt about staying in the nursery, she would miss the midnight walks she would have with him, sleeping in the same den... Magicclaw rested her head on her paws, thinking on who should take her position of deputy for the few moons she would be in the nursery, it wouldn't be that long, she already had grown twice as big in past few moons. Thinking hard, she knew Paleshadow would be the best choice, but the Pale tortoiseshell she-cat was becoming frailer, soon to become an elder.

Deadshadow would be another obvious choice, but he would be visiting her so often, she kept thinking. The cat would have to take over Frostpaw's training for her, so the cat would have to have an apprentice in the past but not now. She let out a sigh.

"What's wrong, dear?" Meadowbreeze asked.

"I don't know who to allow to take my place as deputy, and cover Frostpaw's training." Magicclaw confessed to the yellow-blonde queen. Meadowbreeze looked thoughtful for a moment.

"What about Paleshadow?"

"I've thought about it, but she seems to be getting frailer and frailer."

"She could be deputy, and why not have Deadshadow train Frostpaw? He hasn't had an apprentice and they both will probably come visit you a lot." Meadowbreeze pressed. "And Paleshadow wouldn't have to go on every patrol." She added, Magicclaw saw sense in her words, Deadshadow and Frostpaw could visit her when they were free, or just going out to train, now she all needed to do was talk to Firestar. As if she had summoned her, Firestar walked into the den.

"Greetings, Magicclaw." Firestar purred. "You look comfortable!"

"I am, but I thought I was just eating too much prey." Magicclaw confessed to her clan leader.

"Understandable, Deadshadow came and told me you wanted to talk about who would be deputy and mentor to Frostpaw while you're nursing your kits." She nodded.

"I want Paleshadow to be deputy, but, Deadshadow to mentor Frostpaw." Magicclaw mewed. Firestar looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Very well." She mewed at last. "We'll hold a meeting at moonhigh, Frostpaw said he'd bring you fresh-kill soon." Firestar added. Magicclaw nodded, and curling up in her nest, she drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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