8) The Resistance

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I fucked up

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I fucked up. I gave into my dick, and I hooked up with Gabriel. At the moment, it felt so good, and it was as if this weight was being lifted off my shoulders.

        Then the high wore off, and I remembered what I had done. That look on his face reminded me that I'd messed up. Not only for myself, but also for him. It felt good, but it couldn't happen the way it did.

        Not without boundaries.

        So, I walked into Gabriel's bedroom, but he wasn't there. "Gabriel?" I called out.

        "Hey," he said as he came out of the bathroom, and he moved past me to sit on his bed. "What's going on?" I moved forward and sat in front of him. We looked at each other for a while. "Okay, you're scaring me."

        "About yesterday," I started.

        "It was great," he interrupted me with a smile on his face. "Things have been rough with us, but last night was amazing."

        I knew he wasn't just talking about the fair.

        "It meant nothing," I said, and his expression dropped. I almost broke at that look, but I knew I couldn't. "It doesn't make things perfect between us. It doesn't mean we're suddenly back to the way we were in college. It was all lust." His breathing became deeper. He did that to calm himself down. I didn't want to do this, but I had to. "We can hookup occasionally. But that's all it is. Hooking up. What do you have to say about that?" He was silent. "Gabriel."

        "What do you want me to say?" he said in a small voice.

        I felt like an ass, and him looking and sounding this way ate at me. But I had to. I had to distance myself from him. Not physically, but emotionally.

        "I guess it was all—"

        I kissed him, and he instantly relaxed. His hands moved to my cheek and my hair as he held onto me. Our tongues brushed gently, just moving together as I pressed his body to mine. His lips tasted like toothpaste, but I didn't care. I just wanted them against mine, and their softness soothed me. Before I could accept that I wanted him again, I pulled back.

        Gabriel looked up at me with hooded eyes, and he tried to pull me in for another kiss, but I stopped him. "Stop," I said. "My kisses aren't sentimental." He furrowed his brows. "They mean nothing. It doesn't matter if I kiss a stranger or someone I'm with. They're all the same." That defeated look came back. I leaned in close. "Remember that."

        I stood up to walk away. "Gyan," he said, stopping me. I turned around to face him. "Does that mean I can kiss you whenever I want? Since they mean nothing?" His voice got soften with each word.

        I nodded. "Whenever you want. As long as you know what they mean."

        He got off the bed and walked over to me before taking my face into his hands to brush his lips against mine. It was a kiss with our lips barely touching as our warm breaths fanned the other's lips. When I couldn't take it anymore, I wrapped an arm around his back while the other hand cupped his neck, and I brought our lips together. He wrapped his arms around me as he kissed back, just as hard. He wasn't yielding this time as he put up a fight with his tongue. He only pulled away to nibble on my lip, and then his tongue returned to mine. There was no rush, just lips moving against each other. His mouth tasted less like toothpaste as my focus was on him. His warm mouth. His soft skin and silky hair, and his body pressed against mine. I couldn't pull away, even if I wanted to.

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