Chapter 8

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"Come on, you ignorant brat! Stop pulling away!" Jeff rasped as he pulled on my arm. I squirmed around, and began to kick him. I saw the annoyance in Jeff's eyes.

He squeezed my arm tighter which made me squeal. I fought more, and more, and more. Jeff was stronger though, he pulled me closer and threatened me with him knife.

"Now, now... You don't want to fight anymore, right?" He chuckled.

"Toby said not to hurt me." I glared at him.

"So? I don't make promises." He put the knife up to my neck and snickered.

What was that suppose to mean...? Was he going to kill me?

I began to weep; weep until my eyes burnt and I couldn't weep anymore. Jeff put the knife more closer to my neck, "Quiet..." He whispered to me.

I wiped my eyes and sniffled. Jeff looked away from me and then he scanned the area. "You won't run away if I let go of you, now will you?" He asked me.

I thought for a second; Maybe I should try running away? I'm taking a risk; I nodded my head slowly. Jeff hesitated and then let go of my arm.

I slowly began to back away from him, and then started to run away. My body wanted to stop and rest, but I just kept running.

I tripped and fell on the soft, green, moon lit, grass. This was just like before, I fall down...

I spat out some grass and sat up. Hopefully, I won't run into Jeff again; because if I did... he wouldn't be happy.

~Time skip 2 hours~

It was past midnight and I still haven't slept. I found comfort under a tree and that was about it. I used my bag as a pillow, soon- I started to feel hungry. I did skip dinner, and maybe it was a good time for me to eat something now.

I sat up and opened my bag. I decided to have some chips I packed. I opened the bag and started to eat some. I loved the crunching sound the chips made whenever I took a bite of them.

I finished the bag, and shivered. I slowly closed my eyes and began to drift off into a peaceful slumber.


I was awakened by the light of dawn. Dew was on the grass which made the scenery beautiful.

I yawned and sat up. What do I do now? Toby won't come home, I'm lost deep in the woods, Jeff is probably still looking for me, and my mother is worried sick. My mother... How could I leave her alone with my father?

I hugged my knees. I knew this was a bad idea, she is probably going to call the police to report me missing. She's paranoid like that. I sobbed silently into my knees. My sobs were interrupted once I heard a low growl coming from a bush.

I lifted my head up and looked at the bush it came from. It growled again and this time I saw something brown. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and waited for something to happen.

All of a sudden, a brown bear charged out of the bush. I screamed and dashed away. The bear was chasing me with unsheathed claws, and had great speed.

I turned my head to look back, and the bear was so close, he could grab my bag on my back.

Unfortunately, I tripped and fell. Why do I always fall?

The bear stood up on his hind legs, and towered over me. I shrieked, and crawled backwards - My eyes still fixed on him.

The bear bit my leg which made me scream of pain, and agony. He shook his head violently as he still gripped on my leg. The bear let go and lifted up his arm, about to slash me with his claws.

Tears streamed down my cheek freely, as the pain in my leg stung, and bled. The bear slashed my side and I shrieked once again. The bear turned his head away, and seemed as if something else caught his attention.

He ran off to where the sound was coming from, leaving me - On the grass, slowly dying.


Here we go again with the Cliffhangers >:D Heheh. <3


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