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          —It was after noon when Vision woke up the next day. Before he made himself aware of the time, he looked over at his still sleeping beauty. She had put on the dark grey tee shirt that Vision was wearing the previous day after the couple finally decided to sleep the night before. He made the decision not to wake her...

...until he noticed the time.

They were supposed to meet Nat in less than twenty minutes.

"Darling, wake up," Vision said in a firm voice, shaking Wanda just enough to be able to wake her up. Wanda moaned stubbornly, flipping over on her other side, trying to avoid having to get up. "We have to be to Miss Romanoff any minute now. We'll be late!" Vision urged on, not ceasing to shake her.

This caught Wanda's attention. She sat up in bed and instantly pushed herself out of it, running to her suitcase to get a new pair of pants, not even caring about her already dressed top half considering they were running out of time so quickly. It took Vision no time at all to follow her lead, scrambling out of bed to get completely dressed.

A common thought that both Wanda and Vision were thinking was: if they are not there on time, they'll need an excuse for their tardiness, and their cause for such a late night and sleeping in until midday was a excuse that neither of the two was willing to explain. So they left the hotel room with half brushed teeth, mismatched outfits, and bed head covered by warm, woolly beanies. With the benefit of the taxi cab, the couple made it to the designated diner with one minute to spare.

Natasha does not mess around when it comes to being incognito. She now had short blonde hair to hide her easily recognizable identity, as well as a warm navy blue sweater. If you knew Natasha, you would know she would never look the way she did because she wanted to.

Nat ordered Vision and Wanda glasses of water that were waiting for them when they got there. "Good afternoon, Miss," Vision said, attempting to keep addressing by first name to a minimum, "How long have you been waiting for us?" He was attempting to hide the obvious nervousness in his voice, afraid they were a bit too late.

"Not long," she responded, "I decided me getting here slightly early and claiming I was waiting for a party of two would appear slightly more inconspicuous." "Rightly so," Wanda agreed, taking a sip of her water, secretly thankful.

"How has the vacation been treating the two of you?" Natasha asked, folding her hands o the table. "Very well," replied Vision, "and neither of us can thank you, or the captain, enough." Wanda nodded, agreeing with Vision. "Truly. And it's beautiful here. Much to do, as well. we have yet to have a boring day.

In that moment, a waiter appeared and took the group's order for lunch, leaving without another word.

"So how have things been with you all? Any trouble? Word from Tony?" Wanda asked, curious about what she had been missing.

"As far as the three of us go, same ol', same ol'. We haven't gone on any missions in a while. There hasn't been a need. We've pretty much been in Wakanda the whole time," Natasha explained.

Due to the current state of James Buchanan Barnes, also known as Bucky or the Winter Soldier, Steve has progressively formed a friendship with the current king of Wakanda. Being in such a dire situation that the trio was in, T'Challa allowed hospitality whenever it was needed. Wanda was aware of this, but she, unfortunately, hasn't been in Wakanda for more than a couple days. She wanted to experience more of it, but there was never a need.

"As far as Tony goes, none of us have heard anything. He's still very persistent with the silent treatment that he's been giving Steve. Since he knows that Sam and I are with him, that rules both of us out for communication, too," Natasha explained further, taking small sips of the tea that she had ordered.

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