Date night!

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Simons POV

I took the breakfast up to Talia just as she was coming out the shower.
"Here you go!" I smiled setting the tray on the bed and hugging her.
"Happy anniversary!" She smiled, standing on her top toes and kissing me.
"I got your present!" I said going to my desk. I handed her a box, she smiled and quickly unwrapped it.
"OMG!" She screamed. 2 Disneyland Paris tickets.
"Yeah!" I smiled.
"My present now looks bad" She sighed handing me a small box.
"It's the thought that counts!" I smiled kissing her cheek. I unwrapped the box, I pulled out a jar and it read. '50 reasons why I love you' I smiled widely.
"Wasn't sure anyone could come up with 50 reasons" I said.
"I could come up with more but my hand hurt" Talia laughed, tucking into her breakfast.

4 hours later
Talia's POV

We stepped of the tube hand in hand and made our way out the station. I immediately saw the London Eye.
"Where are we going?" I smiled up at Simon.
"Somewhere to eat and see the view" Simon teased.
"The shard?" I asked.
"Wait and see!" Simon smiled.

We arrived outside the London Eye and Simon and I walked right to the front of the queue.
"Don't we have to wait in the line, and Simon you can't eat here..." I said confused.
"Well we can!" Simon laughed.
A pod pulled up and the man ushered us in. There was a table with a vase of rose and a white table cloth. There was played and a lot of food.
"This is so pretty!" I squealed.
"We have 30 mins, tuck in!" Simon laughed and pulled my seat out for me.
We talked and ate and laughed for what felt like hours. We soon made our way back round.
"Awwwh noooo" I sighed.
"Mate is it okay if we go another 2 times" Simon whispered to the worker.
"This looks beautiful, we wouldn't wanna waste it would we" He smiled closing the pod.
"Where was we?" Simon said intertwining our fingers across the table.

A few hours later we arrived home. There was a couple standing outside.
"Hello?" Simon called, while helping me out the car. The couple turnt around.
"We are Samantha's parents!" They cheered.
"Oh come in" I smiled, unlocking the door.
"Guys Samantha's parents are here" Simon called up the stairs.
Everyone rushed down. Freya, Josh, JJ, Vik.
"So what are you doing here again?" JJ asked.
"Well we are here to collect Samantha of course" Samantha's dad smiled.
I went dizzy.
"You collected Samantha 2 days ago" Vik laughed. The couple looked at each other.
"We were in Greece two days ago" Samantha's mum said.
We all looked at each other, out faces turnt white.
"Where is Samantha?" They asked in unison.
"They weren't her parents" I Said before everything went black.

All Out Love - A Miniminter and Talia Mar FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now