Part 33- Pack

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My house came into view as I finish the journey walking the the front door. I breath heavily, remembering the actions of half an hour ago. After losing Lancer to the crossing-walk light, I began walking the rest of the way back. Lancer texted me he'll make me regret pulling that stunt halfway back.

I unlocked the door as I saw Susan's suitcase on the couch. I raised an eyebrow as I closed the door behind me.

"Susan!" I yelled as I heard footsteps coming from above. Susan came into view as she reached me. She looked calm, unlike her text, but I could see a layer of anger underneath her face expression.

She sighed as she finally spoke up:
"Janet, Jessica is coming here and I need you to pack."

First of all, I was taken aback by her statement. Second of all, why in the hell would she want to come to my house?

"What?" I said, making sure I heard it right. She rubbed her face with her hand and looked back at me.

"Yes, she told me that this morning, so let's get on the road before she gets here." She stated. I nod my head as I ran upstairs, finding my suitcase on the bed. Susan must have done this beforehand.

I grabbed my drawers and put them on the bed. I grabbed all the clothes I would need and go into the bathroom. I grab the toothpaste, conditioner, body soap, etc. and all of the stuff made it into my suitcase. I also grabbed my charger and a couple of hair bands and stuff them into the suitcase.

After about a little less than 10 minutes, I was walking down the stairs with my suitcase. I then saw Susan sitting on the clinch until she heard me walk down the staircase.

"Ready to go?" She said with a sigh.

"Yes Susan." She nod her head then took her suitcase. She then looked at me with an weird look. She looked quite sad and worried, but there's something about the look of her eyes until she turned away. She walked towards the door with me walking behind her.

We both got into the car, putting our luggage in the trunk. Once we sat in the car, I started asking questions without thinking.

"What's going on Susan? If this involves her, I swear I'll fight her myself." I said the last part with a growl. Susan looked at me through the car's mirror and tried to hide her smirk, but failed.

"It does involves her, but I don't want you in jail." She said with a snort.

"Just please explain Susan." I pleaded. She sighed and started to start the car.

"Janet, Jessica is on her way to this house. She said that she fingered out our addresses by the help of her boyfriend. I, didn't liked that so I thought why not go away for a bit." She explained, but I took note that she said that with a bit of a shake in her voice. I sighed as she continued.

"We will return back, but until then, we won't leave the hotel we will stay at for the time being. So that means no school, and I know you're happy about that part." She smiles at the end. I shook my head as I rubbed my face. No school meant no Katie, Lucas, Thea, or Hawk.

Staying at the hotel meant..

No Lancer.

I breathe in as I calmed down a bit.

"Susan, how long will this last?" I asked carefully. She raised her eyebrows, as if she's  a bit shocked to know that I wasn't quite happy about the 'no school' part.

"I don't know Janet. Maybe about a month or so, but after about a week, we might leave the hotel. But still no school " She said. I sat there and thought for a bit.

There is no way Jessica said she'll come here that made Susan decide we should leave. The last thing I remember, she wasn't that hostile. Just she ignored me and that was that.

Susan turn on the radio as I pulled out my earbuds and listened to my music. We then drove off without saying a word to each other for the rest of the ride. All I know is that:

There's something much worse going on.

And I want to end it.

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