Part 35- Wake Up Call

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I sat onto the edge of the white bed as I put my phone on the charger. I ran my fingers through my hair as I took Sudan's laptop and signed in as my own.

I looked through my emails until I saw a new one from this morning. I looked through it, using my right hand, without actually reading it and scoffed in surprise.

"Wow, I actually now have a roommate, guess I have to tell Susan about this great news!" I said loud enough for Susan to hear. I frowned when I didn't heard anything from the bathroom. I only heard the water running and that's about it.

My left hand started to numb, but I ignored it and looked back at the laptop and reread the email, carefully this time. It stated:

"I don't mind having you move in with the apartment I will soon stay in. I understand you will arrive at a later date, but please don't have any pets with you. That's all I have to say."

Huh, I guess this person has allergies. But I didn't care, since I don't have time for pets. I closed the laptop and fell back onto the bed. I heard this clicking sound, but I started thinking elsewhere as I started listing the hinges I need to do in my head.

I need to visit my school during the afternoon, at some point, for my homework and stuff. I need to go to the store for something I forgotten. And-

"Janet, why do you seem so violent lately?" She asked as I sat up to look at her. She had her towel in hand and was wearing a white T-shirt with pajama pants.

I raised an eyebrow as she motioned to my left hand. I looked down and realized I had a pocketknife, the one Susan said I could keep, and was playing with it.

"Oh this? I'm just preparing myself." I replied as I sat the pocketknife down on the nightstand. Susan shook her head as she said on her bed. The hotel had two simple white beds and two nightstands. With a bathroom and another table with a microwave and mini-fridge.

"You know what I mean. Is this because of Jessica?" She asked. I stood up and faced her. I pulled up my jacket and started heading towards the door.

"What is this? A cool movie scene where you say something cool and walk out?" She asked with a laugh. I laughed with her and turned towards her again.

"I'm like this because I'm going to hunt Jessica and her boyfriend down. I don't care who stops me, but I will find something that will get them arrested." I stated. Susan stopped smiling and looked at me seriously.

"What did she do Janet? She's not worth your time. She didn't do anything illegal that I know of, and you might get hurt in the process." I looked down and looked into her eyes. She was right, but I can't help but think something is wrong .

It's been 2 years since I saw her and she wants to talk to me? She must be planning something, anything if she's willing to speak to me. All those years, she looked at me like I was gum on her shoes, and now she wants to talk to me? My scar started to throb as I remembered that night. I must at least prepare myself for the worst.

"I need to learn self-defense Susan." I said. She stood up and walked towards me until stopping right in front of me.

"For what, I less you're planning to do something."

"I am, and that's getting her busted." She rubbed her face and took a few steps back.

"But Janet, the question and problem is, for what?!" She said a bit louder, annoyed by my behavior. I put my hand in the door knob and turned it.

"Well Susan, I guess you can say, I have a feeling she's planning something. Maybe it's just my instincts or maybe I'm crazy. But I rather be prepared then be useless."

Susan was about to respond until I walked out the door. I didn't even got two steps away until I was yanked back by her pulling me into the hotel room again. She closed the door and pushed me against it.

"Look, Janet, I don't care what you do. Hell, you could just skip school for all I care, but you won't get yourself in trouble with the cops or whoever. So, listen to me when I say, don't go around snooping for shit, understand me?" She demanded. I nod my head, but she didn't step back yet.

"Do you understand me Janet?" She repeated as if she's in control. Well too bad, she is the boss of me.

"I understand Susan." She let go of me while I rushed out the door. After I closed the door, I started walking down the hallway, on my way to the store.

Well, I won't take action unless I have full proof. But if Jessica says or does anything that's offensive to anyone I care about.

I will go hell and back to get back at her.

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