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Five years ago, I'd been a normal girl. But normal doesn't last very long. Especially under my circumstances. To others, we'd seem like a normal family but on the inside, we're really not. I remember the first day my new life had began. It all started one early summer when I had gotten dismissed from the last day of school. I remember that day like the back of my hand. Not because it was the last day of school, but because it was the day my life changed.

The moment I stepped through the unlocked door, I knew something was wrong. The air was still, the house was silent, and an eerie feeling crept up into the pit of my stomach. And on top of that, the door was already left open for the world to see. I quietly closed the door behind me, not wanting to make any noise, and tossed my bag onto the couch beside me.

"Dad?" I loudly whispered, scanning the room. No response. Strange, I thought he was usually home by this time. I called for him once more but I was greeted with the same silence. I frowned, knowing Dad was usually home by this time. Mayb-

A loud crash, the sound of fragile glass being thrown onto the floor, interrupted my thoughts. My head immediately jerked in the direction of the living room and I narrowed my eyes. I swallowed hard, my heart beating faster each passing second as I walked towards the living room. I peered into the living room only to see something I'd thought I'd never see.

My jaw hit the floor as I took in the scene in front of me. A trio of tall, muscular men surrounded a man kneeling in the center of the room coughing out blood. His arm seemed to be bleeding and his leg was bent the wrong way. I immediately hid behind the wall and took a deep breath, my face full of disgust. Must be the wrong house right?

"I'm telling you, you have the wrong guy," a familiar voice filled the air. In fact, a little too familiar. A small gasp escaped my lips as I realized the voice belonged to no other than my father. I peeked at the men once more only to see that my father's once pretty face was now all beaten and bruised up. My eyes widened and I went back into hiding. I nibbled on my lip, how the hell do I get him out of there?

"Tell that to our boss," the man chuckled. "And bring that girl here." As soon as those words left his mouth, my body stiffened. They must have eyes at the back of their head, I thought. The first thought that came into my mind was to sprint to the door but there was only a hundred percent chance that it would fail. However, there was only one option left.

And it was to stall. I stepped out from behind the wall and waved sheepishly at them.

"Hey dad," I tossed him a tight smile. The men directed their attention to me and looked at me weirdly. At first my dad's face was one of shock, then realization, then finally anger. My dad face palmed himself and shook his head.

"Ren," my dad started out calmly, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I flinched at his loud tone and immediately wanted to go hide under the covers. I live here, dad, I wanted to say but that would only make everything worse. The men all glanced at each other and nodded as if they were telepathically communicating with each other. Meanwhile, my dad continued glaring daggers at me.

"Is this a bad time? I could always come back later." I gave them a salute and turned towards the door, getting ready to sprint out and get some help. Thankfully, the sheriff lives down the street. I yanked the doorknob open and was ready to run out until a voice interrupted me.

"Not so fast." A cold hand firmly grabbed my forearm and spinned me around. I narrowed my eyes at him and jerked my arm out of his grip. He immediately sent me a glare and shot out his hand and gripped my neck. I struggled against his hold, his grip tightening the more I struggled. I attempted to kick him and claw at his hands as my eyes started to water but it was no use. Air, I need air. At this point, I was helpless. I could feel my face drain of color as he continued to tighten his grasp. A wet tear slid down my cheek as I clawed at him harder.

A loud bang echoed through the room and everything else went silent. The man had released his grip and was now lying on the floor, blood gushing out of the side of his head. I began coughing and look at him in horror, then to the man who had just shot and killed him. My father.

My father tossed me his gun just as he was being tackled to the floor. I caught the cold metal gun with ease and stared at it in shock. How could my father so casually kill a man? I looked up to see my father wrestling another man on the floor, delivering several punches to the side of his head until he went limp. I stood frozen in place until my father started yelling at me.


I blinked in surprise and looked at my father who was getting cornered by two men. My heart started thumping loudly in my chest, almost as if it were to jump out of my rib-cage any second. The rapid beating of my heart deafened my ears as I held the cold metal in front of me. Cold sweat trickled down the side of my forehead as I aimed the gun at one of the men. At this point, I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't hear my father yelling, the beating of my heart, or the door banging open. The only thing I heard was a small voice at the back of my head telling me to do it. And so, I did.

I pulled the trigger. The loud bang I've heard once before, filled the air. For a second, everything froze: my heart, the time, and even the voice in my head. The bullet pierced the man's head and no more than a second later, he laid lifeless on the floor, blood gushing out from the side of his head.

That was the first time I've killed someone. 


I've decided to start a new story and here it is ^^

Let me know what you guys think about the story! I hope you guys enjoy the story! I still have to edit it as well though :)) 

Don't forget to Vote,Comment, Love, and Share! 

-S.N. <3

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