Chapter 2

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"I'm starting to regret this." I turned back to face Lance who seemed unfazed about the whole situation. Today was my first day of school at Ariston High. In order for me to carry out this operation, not only did I have to change my identity but I also had to move into the town. The original Serge headquarters were a few hours away. Sadly, Lance had said that I could only visit once a month to not raise any suspicion.

"It's too late now," Lance replied, checking his watch. He let out a frustrated groan, "When is that darn friend of yours going to come?"

"She's in the bathroom still fixing up her disguise," I glanced at the school and tightened the grip on my backpack. I took a deep breath. As long as I followed the rules, I should be fine. Don't draw attention and always look down. That's how you go unnoticed right?

I stared at the school in disgust. After this, I'm going back to being homeschooled , I thought. I sighed and look around, tapping my foot against the pavement repeatedly. It was 7:45 in the morning and students were already piling into the school. I glanced at Lance to see a frown on his face.

"Well, have fun," he simply shrugged, walking back to his car. I parted my lips in disbelief and narrowed my eyes.

"So you're just gonna leave?" I asked in a monotone as he fishes out his keys. He let out a chuckle and got in the car, answering my question. Wow.

"Haylee will be here anyways," he pointed out, closing the car door. Before I could reply, he had already started the car and started backing out of the parking lane. I stared at the back of his car as it drove away, my heart breaking into two. I tore my gaze away and I glanced at my phone.The bell was going to ring in a few minutes and yet, Haylee was in no sight. A frown appeared on my face as I made my way into the bathroom.

"Haylee?" I called out, scanning the bathroom. Nothing. I furrowed my eyebrows before hesitantly walking out. Where could she possibly be? I pulled out my phone as I walked to the front of the school and-

Suddenly, a small petite figure bumped into me, knocking the phone out of my hands. My eyes widened and my hand immdiedaltey reached out for the phone before it hit the hard pavement. I let out a sigh of relief once the phone was back into my hands.

"I see your reflexes have improved," a familiar voice filled the air. I glared up at the petite figure that just bumped into me. Haylee.

"Where the hell have you been?" I snapped, narrowing my eyebrows.

Haylee smiled sheepishly and answered, "I was just fixing everything up."

My eyes skimmed over her disguised quickly, noticing that she didn't look much different besides her light brown wig and her brown contacts. Her clothing style however, was completely different; From leather clothes into a more skin showing wardrobe.

I rolled my eyes and reminded her, "We're supposed to not draw attention." A small smile made its way to her lips as she rolled her eyes playfully at me.

"You're supposed to not draw attention," she corrected before continuing, "I'm off the radar." Her voice was filled with triumph and mockery. Haylee then turned on her heel and walks towards the school front door, not waiting for my reply. I hesitantly follow after her, grumbling under my breath.

We stepped through the doors of the high school. I pushed up my glasses and scanned the hall. No one seemed to care or even bother to notice us as we walked down the hallway to our lockers. A few days before, Haylee and I had already came here to get a tour around the school and to pick up our schedules. Thankfully, Lance somehow managed to get most of our classes together.

"I'm nervous," I randomly blurt out, glancing at Haylee. Her breathtaking smile was plastered on her face as she replied instantly.

"Me too," she admitted, "I've never been around so many people like this." I nodded in agreement as I looked around at the groups of people. I already noticed the Jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, and the regular groups of people. 

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