Chapter 5

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I turned around to find a short red haired man smiling brightly at me. His freckled face had a small smile plastered on it, his dimples in full view. However, I didn't return the smile but instead simply said, "How do I apply for a membership?"

"Just fill out this form," replied the man, handing me a form. I glanced at his name which was plastered on his bright name tag and thanked him. I quickly filled out the form and handed it back to him.

"Can I get a private room?" I asked, a tinge if hope in my voice. Surely a gym this big would offer separate rooms to train in. If not then it would be difficult to keep up my facade. The man's smile immediately disappeared and a knot of confusion rose. Had I said something wrong?

"S-sorry, the private rooms are only for the gold members," he replied, look away and awkwardly fiddled with his fingers. I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion before letting out a sigh and leaning my elbow against the counter top. The man moved a step back and eyed my elbow as if I was going to hit him.

"Great. How do I become one?" I asked with slight excitement and a smile on my face. The man's gaze averted to mine as he looked a little taken back. His eyes ran over my body, slightly filled with distaste.

"Not to be rude ma'am," he began, a little uneasy, "but I don't think you can afford it." He scratched his head and stared at the floor. I stared at him with wide eyes and could see him flinch. A small laugh unexpectedly escaped my lips, the man's face filled with confusion.

"I can buy this whole damn gym if I wanted to," I stopped laughing and smiled sweetly. "Now about the membership."


A few seconds later, I stepped out of the gym and breathed in the fresh city air. The cool breeze brushed past me as I started walking down the unfamiliar street. School only ended in two hours which meant I still had a few hours to explore. I took the nearest left and ended up in dark alley for the fifth time. I let out a distressed groan and turned back around lazily.

Although it was only 1:30, the clouds covered the sun, preventing any light from escaping. Now, the streets seemed even gloomier as I walked down them, kicking an empty soda can once in a while.

"Give me your purse and you won't get hurt." A voice growled in the distance. My head immediately jerked up into to my left and narrowed my eyes at the dark alley. I could make out a few figures, drunk to be precise, make a scene. Couldn't I get any peace around here?

"N-no, please don't hurt me," a small voice pleaded and tensed . I ceased walking right in front of the alley and stare at the small woman. I ripped my gaze away and continued walking down the street. It was none of my business and more importantly, I had to stay undercover.

I hid my face and walked past the alley. Just as I barely passed it, a loud slapped echoed through the ghostly street. I stopped once again, my eyes widened. Had they hit her? I turned around and slowly walked towards the alley. My eyebrows furrowed when I didn't hear the woman anymore. I peeked around the corner of the wall only to see the familiar figure of the woman on the floor. The men surrounded her and took ahold of her purse rummaging through it.

"This skank doesn't have shit," he grumbled as he continued to rummage through it. I scoffed. A sudden feeling of dejavu hit me , tumbling a little. This was exactly what happened all those years ago when I hid behind the wall, helplessly as I watched as the men pummeled my father. My closed my eyes and turned around to walk away. It wasn't my business, I reminded myself.

A cold hand was placed on my shoulders, my eyes immediately opened with a glare on my face. "Why, hello there, Cupcake," a throaty voice chuckled out. What was so funny? I should be the one laughing since they unfortunately noticed me. Plus, it was me who spotted them first. And out of my good nature, I decided to let them go but of course not, it doesn't end there. They want to freaking talk to me. Know how irritating that is?

But I guess, I'll leave them to laugh since they won't be doing it again anytime soon. I turned around stiffly, the man's hand not budging as I tired to shake him off. Mistake number one.

"If you will excuse me," I smiled sweetly and tried to make my escape. The man's hand grabbed ahold of my forearm. I internally groaned and turned back around, a glare plastered onto my face. Are you kidding me right now? Mistake number two.

"Why don't you join us?" The cocky bastard bravely asked me.

"No thanks."


"I'm good."



The man's eyebrows narrowed, his eyes filled with annoyance and anger. His hand whipped out to grab my arm but instead, I leaned to the left, swiftly dodging him, my hands folded across my shoulders. He let out an angry growl and attempted to catch me again. I titled to the right , once again dodging him. I looked around to see that it had gotten a little darker and that School was probably over.

"Can I leave now?" I asked him with a bored expression. He narrowed his eyes and tightly clutched a broken wine bottle in his hand which I had failed to notice before. A small smirked appeared on his face when he caught my eyes on his left hand.

"Why don't you stay?" Well, because I obviously have better things to do, I wanted to say. But before I could reply, he swung the wine bottle at my head, both his hands clutching it. I tilted my head back, dodging the wine bottle by a centimeter. Mistake number three.

"Are you sure?" I asked, dodging another one of his swings. Gosh, this man was just full of energy. "It won't be any fun for you."

The man stopped swinging and looked at me intently before a smirk broke out on his face. His face-My punching bag. He dropped the glass bottle on the side of the street and walked into the alley, motioning me to follow him. Mistake number four.

I carefully stepped over the glass pieces and followed him into the alley, my eyes adjusting to the dark. The dark alley was filled with 4 other men, all either smoking or drinking. I scanned the area to see the woman slumped onto the wall, with a red bruise appearing around her neck. I clenched my fists and just stared at her. Those sick bastards tried to choke her.

"Well, well, well," a man drawled out. My eyes immediately narrowed upon the man sitting in front of me, smoking a blunt. I scrunch my nose up in disgust and stare back at them.

"She wanted to join us, Jack." The man that had tired to fight me but miserably failed said as he took a seat on a spare tire. Jack ran his eyes over my body and a look of unamusement filled his eyes. I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing a black hoodie along with a pair of gray sweats.

"Kill her off." Jack muttered, as he lit another blunt. I mentally shrugged, not surprised.

The men not so secretly glanced at each other and nodded towards me. I closed my eyes and listened. The sound of a gun reloading filled my right ear and on my left, I could hear the sound of glass bottle being picked up, the glass pieces clinking. I opened my eyes to see the man in front of me, calmly walked towards me with a hand behind his back. A knife. Mistake number five.

Looks like it's time for me to get started. I rolled my shoulder blades and cracked my knuckles, a yawn escaping my lips. The first rule of the Serge: 5 chances and that's it. I pulled down my hood, my dirty blonde hair falling out. The men looked at each other and continued to approach me. I took off my glasses and pulled off my wig. Yes, I snatched my own weave and tossed it to the floor. By this time, the men look genuinely shocked but nevertheless continued to approach me. Without hesitation, the man with a knife sadistically smirked and swiftly swung the knife aiming at the crook of my neck.

Let's just get this over with. 

Hey guys!! How are you doing today? I know this chapter is a little short but to make that up, I'll publish another chapter. Yes, you are getting two updates today hehe :3

I just wanted to thank those who read and voted on my story. Thank you so much for all the support and love. I enjoy reading through your comments which often make my day. I love you guys so much! Please don't forget to share, vote, and comment! Have a blessed day, my loves!! <3


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