Chapter 3 // Nova Easton

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"All that I am,

All that I ever was.

Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see"

Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol


Chapter 3 // Nova Easton

Niall's P.O.V

She's flying, soaring through the sky and then she's falling. Falling to the hardground that'll ensure the end of Nova Easton.

I can hear my heart thumping loudly through my ears and my hands are getting clammy each moment that passes.

My breath hitches as she does a full spiral to her doom and in the last second she's grabbed by her ankles and handed off to someone else. Two others who I recognize as Davi and River, join her on the trapeze bars as they’re doing unthinkable flips and hand offs over a hundred feet in the air.

By now the crowd is going crazy and I can't hear myself think anymore. The boys stare at me wordlessly with huge grins plastered across their faces as we stand and woot for Nova and the others . She lands safely on a platform and bows, blowing kisses to the crowd who chant her name wildly.

Time and time again, she jumps and I can't take my eyes off of her. I know what's coming each time but I'm still at the edge of my seat with nerves surging through my veins.

It's until she's gone from view along with River and Davi that I can finally relax knowing she won't be falling to her death anytime soon.

"Jesus Christ did you just see that?" Harry asks to no one in particular.

"That was bloody amazing!" He earns us more disapproving glares, but right now I don't really care because that was bloody amazing.

"It was our greatest pleasure to perform for you tonight London!" Joseph boasts.

"Tell your friends, tell your family to come and witness Easton's Royal Star Circus!" The boys and I cheer as all circus performers including Nova enter the arena waving to everyone. Amadeus roars loudly along with his seven girlfriends tailing behind him and I cheer louder.

With Katy Perry's Firework playing in the background they all bow at once.

"Come down and meet our performers free of charge!"

Harry stands up at that, "We are going down there!" He leaves with Louis right by his side before any of us can argue, but judging by the looks of it neither of us were planning on fighting him on it.

“I want a picture with the Lion," Liam says and Zayn and I look at him oddly.

Daddy’s direction is changing his safe boy ways.

We all, as politely as we can, push through the swarm of people until we are standing in the arena waiting in outrageously long lines to get pictures with the performers.

Now I understand the pain of having to wait hours just to meet the boys and I. Definitely something I’m going to have to make an effort to fix.

Finally we get to the front and a performer approaches us still in her costume “Where’s the little one waiting for a picture?” she beams in her thick Spanish accent as she searches around us for the non existent child.

And I thought I was hard to understand...

Zayn huffs in annoyance.

“Actually we would like a picture,” Harry says with an awkward laugh.

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