The Museum

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Mary's point of view
I can't believe Francis kissed me. I didn't think he actually liked me like that. Do I like him like that? I don't know. I mean he's very attractive and very sweet. He's so kind and caring. But I mean I just got out of a relationship. Ugh, I don't know what to do. We haven't spoke in three days. Well we have spoken, but just awkward small talk. No real conversations like we usually have. I haven't spoken to Nate at all. Fucking asshole. I don't want to think about him. We're over and that's final. But I think I like Francis. I mean under normal circumstances I would just flirt a little and he would flirt back we go on a couple dates and it could turn into more. But he is courting three other girls. What if it was just a spilt second feeling? Maybe I can talk to him tonight. We're attending a museum opening together tonight. I should just wait a little and see if he keeps flirting. Was he flirting all along? My life is so complicated. I went over to my chaise and picked up my gown. It was a light blue ball gown with a gigantic train. It was off my shoulders and had detailed blue flowers all around it. It's stunning. I put in on then put my matching sparkly blue heels on with it. I put the matching diamond jewelry on. I did my make up then my hair. I curled it then pinned it up into a crown with little curl dropping off my face. I then put my tiara on on top. I painted my nails in a French nail. Once I felt happy with how I looked I went out to the hall way. I got into my town car which would take me to the museum. I don't like traveling alone but that's how it has to be. The driver went to the museum. I got out and paparazzi started taking pictures of me. My guards kept them from getting to me. I picked up my train and started walking. I saw Francis talking to Lola. I looked down and saw a little girl crying. She was with everyone waiting out side wanting to see the royal family. I went over to the fence keeping us apart and bent down. "Hello." I smiled, everyone looked at me and stopped talking. She started smiling. "What's are your name?" I smiled "Isabella." She smiled "Well Isabella, I'm Mary." I smiled "Your the princess." She smiled "Yes I am." I giggled "I came here to see you but my brother said I wouldn't." She said "Brothers are the worst, I have four." I smiled "Are they mean to you too?" She asked, I nodded my head and smiled. She started giggling. "Now Isabella why were you crying?" I asked "Because my earring fell out." She said "well I think I can help you with that." I smiled "Really?" She asked "Yes I can." I smiled, I took out my earrings. "Now let me put them on you." I smiled "Okay." She giggled,  I put the earrings in her tiny ears. "Now, I think I have to go but it was so nice to meet you." I smiled "Wait, I want you to have my other earring." She said, she put the pink clip on earring in my hand, I put it on. "Thank you very much princess Isabella." I smiled "Your very welcome princess Mary." She giggled. I stood up then smiled and waved at her. I picked up my train again and walked up the stairs. Francis was looking at me. He smiled. I just looked down at my feet and walked to him. We have to walk in together. "That was very kind of you." He smiled "I do what I can." I slightly smiled, he smiled and leaned in to whisper something in my ear. "Are you looking so gorgeous tonight just to torture me?" He laughed lightly. "No, I'm always gorgeous." I smiled "Come on." He laughed. I put my hand in his and we walked down he stairs into the museum. Once we were down the stairs I let go of his hand and walked away. I turned around and he was with Natalia.
Hours later
After watching three other girls flirt relentlessly with Francis. It sucks. I went out to the balcony. I sat down and it was perfect out. It was a tad bit warm but there was a breeze along with it. I looked up at the stars. I went and stood at the edge of the balcony and put my hands on a railing. I heard the huge doors open. I turned around and it was Francis. "What are you doing out here?" I asked "I wanted to come talk to you, is that okay with you?" He asked "Yes." I said, he came over and stood next to me. "Are you mad at me?" He asked "No, why would you think that?" I asked "I don't know, I just feel like you are. And we have barley spoke since we, you know. And I just don't want you to be mad at me. You are my best friend right now and I don't want to lose that." He said "I don't know what to say to you anymore." I said "Because of the-?" I cut him off by nodding. "Oh." He said, there was a moment of silence. "Was it bad?" He asked "Oh my god no, it's nothing about you Francis. I just don't know what I want to do." I said "I shouldn't have kissed you, especially after what just happened." He said "So you regret it?" I asked "No, I don't." He said "Francis it's not that I don't like you, but you have to think from my point of view. You are seeing three other women." I said "Two." He said "What?" I asked "I sent Natalia home." He said "Oh." I said "I know your still getting over Nate, but I just want you to at least think about giving me a shot." He said "I hate that I'm still thinking about him." I said "It's natural, you loved him and he hurt you." He said. "Yeah I guess." I said, he looked in my eyes and I just melted. He cupped my face in his hands. He was about to kiss me when the door opened. It was Lola. "Francis! I've been looking for you every where! Come on I have a surprise!" Lola giggled. "Hi Lola." I said "Mary," She smiled "may I steal Francis for a little bit?" She asked "Of course, we were finished with our conversation anyways." I smiled, I removed my hand from Francis's chest and walked past her inside. She gave me the dirtiest look. Fuck her.

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