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"Josh," Tyler whispered, "I hear them." Tyler knew that this was obvious, but he tended to ramble when he was nervous.

Josh didn't respond and kept his eyes trained in front of him. Tyler heard Josh release a shaky breath and Tyler felt panic squeeze his heart. Josh wasn't one to be scared or frightened or anything but determined. Tyler tried again, "Josh."

Josh glanced briefly behind him and made eye contact with Tyler, Josh gulped. "I know, five more minutes."

Tyler leaned back a fraction and squeezed his eyes shut. Suddenly, they heard footsteps. Loud and clumsy. They tensed and Tyler clutched his flimsy makeshift weapon.

Josh held a knife in one hand and the stick of the torch he blew out minutes ago in the other. Tyler's legs were tingling with the urge to run, but he stayed still with his eyes staring out at the mouth of the tunnel.

He escaped once and now he was back again. In this same tunnel, scared out of his mind. Except this time he wasn't alone.

A figure moved into the dark space and before Josh could jump them, they spoke, "it's me."

Tyler and Josh both relaxed and then Clansy was directly in front of both of them. "It's time to go," Clansy said, "they are waiting."

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