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As the years passed since the kissing incident, S and John had become pretty distant. They talked every day but hadn't been as open as they were before the incident. S stopped appearing so often but stayed around to make sure his John was safe. S wanted to say something about it but he was told not to after he went to see the gods and goddesses.

He was just told to move on from it. John didn't mind that S was around but he was still upset with how this underlying issue they had was never resolved. But John just pushed it into the back of his mind, along with his true feelings for the mysterious angel.

John had graduated from high school as valedictorian with his parents being there to celebrate and Harry sending John some things to congratulate him since she couldn't make it. He hid the present but always took it out to look at it.

The present consisted of a recent photo of Harry with Clara, a 3-page letter, and an emerald green ring that Harry always wore when she was younger. The last time he saw her wear it was the day she left.

All those things reminded him that Harry still loved him regardless of the situation. Clara and she were engaged and she hoped that John would go. But because John was planning to become an army doctor. So the possibility of that happening seemed pretty unlikely.

As John was preparing to leave for the army, S had tried to stop him. Only in a caring friend matter since his true feelings for the soon to be army doctor was unacceptable to have. But both he and John knew that it was more than just the friendly love that S had for John causing S to protest against what John wanted to do. But John being the stubborn person he is, ignored S' protests and told him that he would be fine.

S only bowed his head and disappeared since he knew that arguing with his subject would just be pointless. John felt bad for snapping at the angel but he knew that he couldn't do it any other way. He couldn't listen to S as much.

He knew that if he did that he would eventually give in to the angel's wishes and wouldn't live the way he wanted to. S wanted John to be safe but safe didn't mean that you were living.

But now John had put in 2, almost 3 years in the army. He was climbing up the ranks and S couldn't be more proud. They were stationed in Afghanistan for the time being and it had been a slow day for the British army. No attacks were announced that the British army had to act on but people stayed on base still ready to attack in case an attack came from Afghanistan.

So, John was with his buddy Mike for the time being. The two friends were in John's bed, playing some card games and complaining about the weather. Mike had also been talking to John about his girl problems but John was not paying attention.

He really wanted to have S here and just be open with him back when they were teenagers. S was the only one that he couldn't lie to. He was the mirror that John could not look away from.

" I would take out Sarah but wouldn't it be against the rules to be with people that were in the army? John? Hello? John, you zoned out again. " Mike interrupted John's train of thought. John was almost thankful for it because his thoughts were not helping out whatsoever. They only made him think of the worst situations possible which made him upset for the rest of the day.

" Hmm? What did you say? "

" John, please pay attention. What has gotten into you today? " He gave John a look saying, " I know when you are lying to me so don't try it. " But to be honest, Mike didn't know when John was lying.

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