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Age-25 / Present Day

Five years had passed since the battle in Afghanistan that left John with a disfigured shoulder and a psychosomatic limp. He hadn't spoken to his angel since that fateful day. In all fairness, he didn't want to.

He was so damaged from what had been said that day that he couldn't look at his angel the same. The damage was unfixable. All he knew was that being alone was what he needed. Well, that was what he thought. But in actuality, he really needed someone to help him. Someone that knew him better than himself.

S, on the other hand, had been with John after the fight but didn't dare make himself visible. John needed time from that domestic. But it was understandable. Which was why John was aimlessly on the snow-covered streets of central London, trying to occupy his mind to avoid facing the truth with S right on his heels.

But, S wanted him to face the truth. Everyone needed time to heal but, there was a difference between healing and running away from their problems. S wanted him to stop running. He wanted, no, needed his friend back.

John was his true love that he couldn't help to love. The only problem was that S didn't know how to act on his emotions and do what felt right to him. Perhaps he was just afraid of living the way humans do.

John felt a chill come down his back and knew that it wasn't the wind. It was a chill he had grown to familiarize himself with ever since he was 5. He turned around and assumed that the angel would be standing right behind him but, he was not there.

" Where are you? " It seemed as though John was talking to no one.  Just a guy who was yelling in the streets like a madman. Such a great sight.

" I've watched you since you were born but it's obvious that you haven't fully grasped that you cannot see me unless I want you to see me. For someone that has a college degree, I would expect more from you. " John scoffed at the deep baritone voice insulting him.

" For someone that has supposedly watched me my whole life, I would have assumed that you would have some type of sympathy for me. Besides, I've seen you before. You just choose to hide. "

" I'm only like this because I know that you can handle it and I'm doing this to save you. " S was right. John has dealt with him for a long time. But he was tired of not knowing who S actually was. The voice knew everything about John while John knew nothing about him.

" Can you at least tell me your real name, S? " The nickname sent shivers down John's spine since he hadn't called the voice that nickname in years.

" Wow, you do remember. But the name is Sherlock Holmes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to being unknown. " John felt a gust of wind hit him which signaled that Sherlock had once again vanished to who knows where. John's guardian angel sure was a charmer. Always knew how to get them.

John resumed his walk but decided to go to St. Barts instead of his friend, Mary's place. He wanted to go to her home to clear his head, but she didn't give him the fix he needed. He figured that taking care of others for the rest of the night would be enough to make S leave his mind.

He walked in and saw that urgent care was filled up, as usual. John grabbed his lab coat and went into his office. Just as he sat down, the quiet girl named Molly that worked in the morgue of St. Barts popped in.

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