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John awoke the next morning with an unsurprising headache from his hangover. He took the aspirin that was on his nightstand and popped it in his mouth. He finally took notice at the fact that he was still in yesterdays clothes, realizing that Sherlock must've brought him to bed without undressing him. John wondered about what else happened last night.

Sherlock had finally slept for the first time in 4 months. Despite his claims the night before that he didn't need sleep, he was lying. Angels and subjects were different in a multitude of ways but, they all shared the same need which was sleep.

The problem was that Sherlock was up at all times of the day/night to make sure that his subject was safe from others. But, he was mostly there to protect his subject from himself. John was in an unusual state where he could snap at any moment. The underlying question was when and where would John would lose it completely.

The angel got up from the couch to make some tea. He heard some soft footsteps coming from the hallway and felt his subjects eyes staring at him. Sherlock was in a pair of pajamas but, he had no shirt on.

He turned around and noticed that John had changed out of his clothes and into his pajamas which were bottoms but with no shirt on. Despite John not working out as much, he still has a muscular body that was from his days in Afghanistan. Somethings will never go away.

It was most certainly a turn on for the angel and the subject to see the other person in such little clothing. But they had to control their emotions. If they didn't, then the two wouldn't leave the bedroom until the start of the new week. John still needed to go to work to pay the bills after all.

"I see that you are admiring the view." A smirk crept up on the angel's face.

"Likewise, my little angel."

"I can assure you, John, that I am not little in the areas that are most important." Now it was the subject's turn to start blushing.

"Perhaps I will get a chance to see it for myself. But for now, can you get me a cuppa?" John walked over to the couch, turning on his small telly to watch the morning news.

Sherlock went on with making the tea, making some for himself since it would be the only thing he would have for the day. Once he turned on the stove so the water could heat up, he then sat on the couch with John, but his head was on John's stomach and their legs were intertwined after wanting to get "warmer" in John's apartment.

Soon the tea kettle was whistling that overpowered the sound of the wind from outside. John decided to get up this time to finish the tea. Sherlock had went to his mind palace, searching for the folder that he had of John. Inside of his mind palace, there was a mini version of himself walking through certain areas of his mind palace to take him to the folder.

It was walking down a memory lane of all the moments him and John had shared. Some from when they were kids, as preteens, as teenagers, and when they were adults. Of course, there were the moments that John was unaware of. The ones where Sherlock would just study him, learning how he would be completely ordinary but extraordinary at the same time, were the ones Sherlock had treasured deep in his mind palace.

Finally, he reached the folder for John, which was a bit overfilled at the moment. The subfolders were taking up too much space. He would have to make a bigger folder so he could still house all the memories of John, whether they were useful or not. He reached for the folder and opened it, which sucked him into it literally. He then found himself in a room that was all for John, labeled in alphabetical order of certain memories that he would wish to see.

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