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"what are you gonna do about it bitch, you are just as worthless as your parents, oops sorry didnt mean to bring up their tragic death" she laughed, I felt my blood boil.

"how did they die again?" she said turning to her possy "probably suicide having a daughter like her" she said pointing to me.

"thats it" I mumbled to myself, they knew nothing.

"look bitch, unless you rather not see the light of day anymore I suggest you shut the fuck up and never ever mention my parents again" I said trying to calm myself down, I was about to turn away.

"hey! why dont you go join your parents in hell" she scram laughing at the end.

I turned around and saw her facing her possy, I grabbed her by her hair and punched her in the nose, feeling a crack at impact and it definitely was not my bone that broke. I let go of her head and let her fall to the ground, then I kicked her in the stomach, hearing a grown, I smiled kicking once more.

I stare at her possy "no one ever heard of this, got it?" no answer "GOT IT?" they nodded half shaking. As I walked off I felt someone pull on my arm, I tried elbowing them but they were really strong, oh fuck. I was pushed to the ground, when I looked up I saw an unfamiliar face, he looked about 30, "hello beautiful whore" he sneered, I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He took out a knife and slid it just above my hip bone down till my pants began.

I let out a piercing scream, "its just warning honey, so you won't be as dumb as your parents", and like that he was gone.

"Cam what's taking you so long?" said my best friend, and partner in crime Allison.

"Calm your tits i'm going" I said chuckling, I stepped out of the car fixing my shirt, and looking up at our new boarding school RidgeWood University (a/n not sure if this is an actual school in england).

Allison and me moved here to London, England for new opportunities, and to get away from our past.

I walked towards the trunk and pulled out my duffel bag and suitcases, I saw Allison already walking towards the school, "wait for me!" I scram trying to catch up. When I had finally caught up I was out of breath "you could've waited you know", Ally laughed "your lazy ass was taking too long". We walked together towards the office, I saw the secretary and she kindly smiled.

"Hello mam my name is Camryn Garcia and this is Allison Gomez", she typed in her computer tn smiled once again "ah yes you ladies are here for first time, well here are your dorm room numbers, and your class agendas" she said passing them to us. "Thank you" I said and Ally and me walked out.

"what room did you get?" Ally asked "probably the same as mine I got room E11" she said I looked down "I got C8, wait this isn't correct I arranged for us to share a room, we arent even in the same building "that means we wont have the same classes either" we both looked at each other and began fast walking back to the office.

"is there a problem ladies" asked the nameless secretary, "yes actually, we had arranged to be roommates but here it shows that we aren't even in the same building.

The secretary typed into her computer "I see, it states here that there were no open rooms for the both of you to be in, i'm very sorry ladies, but you will still be able to see each other during lunch and possibly after school activities".  She smiled once more and went back to her work.

Me and Ally walked out dumbfounded, "ugh this isn't fair, but I guess we could meet up later" Ally said "yeah sure, bye Ally" we hugged and began walking our separate ways. As I was walking I heard some sort of horrid sound, when I looked towards the left I saw in a ally a curly haired guy with tattooed arms sucking faces with what looked like some blonde.

I shook my head and chuckled, typical. I continued walking until I saw my building. I took the elevator up I was looking down at my phone, when I bumped into someone on my way. I landed on the floor, "im sorry love, are you okay?" said an irish accent, I looked up and was met with blue piercing eyes, "i'm f-fine" dammit stop stuttering I reminded myself. He stuck out his hand for me, and pulled me up, he then bent down and picked up my phone "this is yours" he smiled warmly, "t-thanks" fuck I mentally face palmed. "So what's your name?" he said leaning against the wall, I adjusted the strap of my duffel bag "guess you'll have to wait and find out" I waved and walked off.

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