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My life wasn't always so simple, selling assortments of flowers in a shop that I call my own. My past sure isn't as pretty as the flowers I sell and I'm okay with that, because pain and suffering is important in order for you to become stronger.

So just why do I still feel the same as I did back then?

Why does the flowers I sell seem to stand out more then me, and why do they seem more free then a girl names Starr hiding in little old New York City from her alcoholic ex fiancé?

But no more complaints about my life , because at least Im living at least I get to help the people who need more help then I do.

Call me whatever you want , but I'm really just a girl who sells flowers...

Ps. My name is Starr.

Tbh I don't really know what I'm doing this will probably get like 25 reads max but eh. Please emjoy if you do decide to read it at all.

Maybe this will be a waste of my time , to write this and come up with ideas for this book. But eh what the heck might as well just write it cause I don't have anything better to do anyways.

There are going to be spelling mistakes cause I'm not a professional editor but just eh.

Either way just enjoy I guess

- neverance

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