Chapter 7

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Considering in the beginning I though he was a stone cold fucker, the date wasn't that bad. Except when I told him I was not ready for a relationship and he said he wasn't either.

He was asking a lot of questing almost to many as if I was getting interrogated like a criminal.

"I had fun, thanks for dinner"I smiled at him as I stepped inside my door, his body leaning on the frame. "Your welcome"he said back, voice flat like usual.

"When I first saw you on the street I though you were a cold awful man. I though you were a monster"I said truthfully looking into his metal eyes. I shook my head and bit my lip looking away before continuing "you act towards many that you are. But I think that somewhere in you there's a good man"

He didn't say a thing nor did he look away from my eyes, the intensity scaring my but I didn't show it. I clutched onto the doorknob, and his eyes smile at the sight

"What were you scared of when you looked into my eyes that first day?"he said through gritted teeth, I could tell he was holding anger back and I didn't want to make I'm explode I can't deal with anymore abuse from anyone

"It was wrong of me , but I was scared of what you are"I said looking down, not wanting to look into his eyes any longer.

"A monster" he scoffed pushing off the door frame and rubbing his face looking down the empty dark hallway.

I shook my head , making my eyes return to his again "not a monster"I whisper and he stepped forward, my back pressed closely to the door as he stood close to me a hand tilting my chin up so he couldn't miss any of my features.

"Then what Starr."he said snapping a hand around my waist and I shook, no ones touched me this way in... "tell me, what about me is it that your so scared of , what..."he yelled and I cut him off

"A man"I said and he looked at me differently from the many times before, not like when we would just look at each other it wasn't a quick glass or a "oh your here" look it was... something else

"Who hurt you..."he whispered huskily, the stomach doing flips as he ran his hand down my cheek.

"Its not..."I stutter before he yelled get down
pushes me to the floor, a mass of gunshots escaping around my house.

Gunshots, something in Familiar about so thug. Thomas would use to scare me and the things he illegally sold to buyers.

He was an arms trader yes.

"Shut my gun!" Lucien yelled as he pulled both of us behind the counter, a waste I bough shattering on top of us.

With a shaky hand I grab the one I keep under my counter top, taking off safety all while he looks at me with confusion and surprise.

"Are you going to take it or let them shoot us like dogs"I stammer , my voice getting caught in my throat.

He grabs the gun and beings shooting at the people I can't see, I head tucked in between my legs all while thomas' voice tings through my head, my body rocking slightly

Found you
Found you
Found you

But there's no way he could have, I was sure and carful not to let anyone know anything about me...

Lucien, no he wouldn't he can't be working for him. He's not like that.

"Starr"I hear a voice, angry and well very mad.

I stand up and back away from him, 3 dead men laying on my floor there lives gone completely forever. All while he stand untouched , and unfazed that he just killed people. I cover my mouth with my frantic hands trying not to see the blood pouring out of bullet holes riddled on the dead.

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