Chapter 10

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Three days past and I barley saw Lucien again, only a few times did he grace me with his presence, most of the time it was only for a short moments of to ask if I needed anything.

Most of my time was spent at my store, he would have someone drive me there while someone watched over me as I sold my assortments to customers

"Starr" a woman said sweetly and I smiled at her , before hugging her sweetly. "Lillian"I said back squeezing her.

I leg go of her and stepped back a wanting smile pressed on her face "ok now everything pressed aside. What do you want from me"I asked and he smiled.

Anytime Lillian rolled around my side of town is if she wants something from me or wants me to something and I usually comply, cause I don't have many friends as I've said before but I do like to keep the trusted ones close to me.

"I was wondering if you would come clubbing with me"she asked clasping her hands together over her chest as I look at he as if she's gone mad, her blue begging eyes pleading with mine

She was the type of girl you would want to be friends with, the pretty blond who's a party animal and a nature freak.

"Lillian, you know that I don't..."I sigh and she sticks her lip out and puts her hands in a praying form. "I know, but just do me this one thing. I have no one to go with. Unless you want me to go by myself?"She smiled towards the end knowing I would never let her do such a thing

Going clubbing or out drinking by your self is dangerous and there was no way she was going out alone. So I guess I'm going clubbing

"Fine. But I don't know what to wear"I bite my lip at her and she squeals loudly jumping up and down like a child and I just laugh at her

"Ok meet me at my house at..."She looks down at her phone, an iPhone X her boyfriend bought her that's invaded in a pink sparkly case

"Let's say 7:30?"she smiled to me and I reluctantly nodded, not wanting to go whatsoever but now I was obligated to.

"Your not gonna regret this I swear"she smiled before hugging me tightly and running out.
I shake my head and shiver at the though of going.

There's no way that I would go willingly. Ever. Parties aren't my thing. Neither is alcohol for obvious reasons.

But by the time of 7:30, I realize there I am knocking on Lillian's door, screams of happiness coming from the house and before I know it she pulls me inside.

No doubt one of Lucien's bodyguards are on me , but what should he care?

"I have the perfect dress for your body shape"she smiled pulling me into her massive closet. "Your a size 34 D yes?"She asks my bra size and I nod. She throws me a dress , which looked more like a shirt and I stared down at the gold mess in my hands

"There's no way I'm..."I look at her but she made her puppy dog face and said to me "just try it on , for me?"

I sigh, what am I doing. This isn't me.

I sulk to the bathroom , feeling self conscious because of how perfect Lillian is gonna look.
I held my breath as I slipped the material onto my body, as soon as it was on fully I felt as if a snake was squeezing my stomach tightly

I open the door and there she was dressed in a skin tight revealing red dress, a perfect example of a girl you'd want to dance with , me I'm not so sure.

"How can you not love your body!?"She screamed at me making me do a fancy 360 so she could see me fully. "Are you drinking or r u driving? Do we need a cab?" She asked and I shook my head and said "I'll drive your car".

She frowned knowing I won't be drinking , but I don't drink and probably never will.

"Ugh Fine Let's go" she rolled her eyes growing the car keys in my direction.

The club she wanted to go to was in down town , somewhere I don't like to frequent. I don't like risking him finding me

But like I said what was I gonna do let her go by herself? And believe me she would have.

"Do we really have to..."I whine , she drags me up the steps of a club I can't even pronounce

She looked back at me before interrupting me swiftly "yes".

Of corse.

"It'll be fun"she smiled brightly At me , showing us both towards the dance floor, my breath taken as she instantly started dancing with some random weirdo

I sighed before pushing through the corner of the room, a empty space where I can be by myself without people trying to touch me.

The silence for me is home

"What's one like you doing here alone"a handsome man smiled as he leaned on the wall across from me. His booming voice attractive , but he's not my type

"My friends she's... well idk"I sigh looking for Lillian but of corse she's off with some guy doing Something that isn't holy. "Dance with me?"he asks Interrupting my search, I stare at him his American features plain.

"I...uh"I stutter, and he just pulls my wrist making me follow him to the dance floor. The most uncomfortable place to be right now for me.

I breath in and it quickly while he stares at he, dancing and telling me to dance as well.

With a single loud sigh , I throw my hands up slowly and rock to the loud music. A song with many swears and many mentions of doing someone hard , roars loudly in my ears.

My back turned to him as I shake and dance, in my little bubble alone and happy. My own hands caressing my body.

But the guy in which I don't even know the name of pressed himself to me, his hands on my ass while his chin was on my shoulder

"Umm"I stop and he kisses my ear and I close my eyes, my body shaking as his hands travel towards my front.

But a fist connects to his face and his body falls to the floor, his nails scratching my arm and making my bleed.

"What the..."I say and I notice two men in a fight on the floor beside me, screams erupting on the dance floor mixed with moans and breaking glass

My word freezes in a haze as Lucien pulls off the passes out and beat up man on the messy floor.

Us standing in a parted crown, a circle around us as we stare at each other. Like the only thing he sees is me, not the girls screaming his name or the guys calling out for me.

"Starr."he says through gritted teeth as he pulls me into him, and out and away from the club I had entered only but a half an hour ago.

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