Chapter 5

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I try to forget what happened yesterday by bussing myself with work and chores, my shorts and shirt getting tugged by the wind as I close up my shop for the day.

Its still light out and Only about 6, but I just need rest something I seem to not be getting.
Every time I lay down in a bed it's like I can feel Thomas' fingers tracing my body, his voice whispering about how I will never be good enough.

Thomas is my ex fiancé, he's an alcoholic an abuser and he was the one that broke me. These things I don't want people to know, it's my business and I don't want them to feel sorry for me.

I don't need help and I certainly don't need anyone's opinion.

Lucien POV

A knock on my office door caused me to glance up to meet a pit of brown eyes. "Rafiel, hello" I beed to my best and longest friend.

He looked at me for a few seconds before walking up to me and smiling "boss". I look at him a steady tan on his skin.

"Welcome back, How was your sisters wedding" I asked putting my pen down.

He smiled before saying "I wanted to kill the fucker but she wouldn't let me. So I guess it was fine"he sighed and I chuckled slightly.

He looks at me and rubs his face before smiling.

Me and Rafiel have been friends sense we were kids, our parents friends so we saw each other often. Going to the same private school and by our late request being in the same class for many years.

"Speaking of girls..."he smile and I noticed he was holding a beige folder. I look at him and raise an eyebrow before standing up and walking towards him.

"Who... is this? A fling or a girlfriend"he said handing to to me and I open it quickly.

Pictures of me and Starr sitting in the restaurant and in her shop when I... when I kissed her.

"Where did you get these"I ask angrily as I take the folder and pictures and put them through the shredder beside my desk.

"On of your men took them, and you admit she's something to you?"he asks with a smile. The dumb bastard pushing me to try and find a girlfriend.

"No she's not , were not she means nothing. I could never like someone of her... occupation"I say quickly. But my stomach clenched but I ignored it

He looked at me and raised and eyebrow almost as if he didn't believe me as if me he didn't believe me after I've never lied to him for many years

"I you say so Lucien"he says as I sit back down , a unsettling feeling still in my gut.
"That's boss to you."I say looking down back at my paperwork, I hear him scoff a smile before exiting.

The black ink staining the papers I'm signing reminds me of Stars brown eyes. The name Starr for her fits perfectly, her eyes and hair are dark but the light inside her the fire the passion to not give up its


I glance towards the shredder, the pictures of us now in pieces laying meaningless in a bin full of other meaningless documents.

The way she smelled, a vanilla shampoo that she used and her skin smelled so much of flowers.

But I could never be with her.

I don't trust easily and I'm sure as hell not going to trust her with my baggage. She's the perfect person, she doesn't need any darkness.

"Boss, I found some information on the flower shop owner." My worker says as he rushes into my office,my attention snapping to him as my world freezes for a second.

"Her names Starr, bu there is no last name ever. Put through adoption but never addicted with the name Starr Rossi" he smiled and I wanted to smile at the mention of her name , the way it was sounded and spelled .

"She's from Hawaii but get this she has no record in any schools or university's."he say laying down a folder in the desk. "It's like everything about her was just...erased"

"What about her..."I asked closing it.

"Her family? No record, it's like she never existed, There's only a birth certificate drivers licence and other small information"he says almost proud that he found this.

"Leave"I instruct and he nods before walking out. I dig and lean back in my chair.

I find it so strange that she's inexistent like A ghost that like her doesn't even seem real. Maybe why I'm so intrigued by her is I want to figure her out!

Maybe I just want to know why she's so mysterious , get her out of my system.

Curiosity killed the cat. Well it's a good thing I'm not afraid of dying.

I picked up my phone almost as if I had no control over my body and I went and I called her , the ringing being heard only partially in my ears.

But then it stoped.

And her voice spoke up "Hello? Is anyone there? Hello? I'm going to hang up if..."

"Starr."I said flatly and she stayed quiet. "Your alive, I though you ran off. How did you get my number I didn't give it to you"she said and I heard her laugh slightly , making anyone that could hear it wonder if it came from an angel.

"Your websites and i didn't run"I smiled and them an awkward silence filled both sides of the line "So... what's up?"she asked breaking us free and I debated my answer, not wanting to sound like a creep and scare her off

But the words came out without me even knowing that I said them

"Have dinner with me"

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