Chapter 8

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A silence filled my calm mind making me feel peaceful, and well calm. My hands and body resting on something comfortable, a mattress I though to myself as I sat up.

"Awake finally"I heard a voice say and my eyes shot around the bedroom I was in. The walls painted a beige and the furniture black reminding me of home.

"Who are you and where am I"I asked frightened at the least. I was terrified where was I and how did I get here, why is this place so strange and unfamiliar?

"I'm Rafiel " the man exclaimed stepping forward to meet me gaze better. I look him over , another Italian man.

"I will go get the bo... i mean I ill get Lucien"he said stepping out of the room quickly. The boss? I push it away quickly as I think the boss of what.

Rafiel POV

The peaceful beauty sleeps silently as I watch over her, not in a creepy way but Lucien instructed me to keep watch over her. She was very much the most gorgeous woman I have laid eyes on.

This girl means something to him , he might not say it to himself but I believe he does like her. Another bitch out for his money.

I look back at her and this time she's sitting up confusion on her face as she asks what I knew she was going to ask. Things along the line of where am I

"I'll go get bo..."I start but knowing he hasn't told her yet and probably wants to do it himself so I change my wording "I'll get Lucien".

She looks at me catching my mistake but I dash out of the room praying she won't say anything to him.

I walk down the monstrous long hallways toward the balcony where he said he'd be.

"She's awake..."I say as I see him leaning over with a cigarette in his hand, blowing the smoke into the air after every puff.

He doesn't move or even answer my response, he just takes another drag and blows it away.

I walk up to him, leaning onto the edge where he is an grabbing a smoke for myself. "Who is she" I say looking at him and he looks back at me angrily "just some girl who needed my help". I smiled , hoping that maybe I would have a shot with her

"I told you before I don't want someone like her."he scowled but I know he feels a sort of connection to her , a rando girl as I said before probably just wanting his money

"You have never let a woman stay in your house over night let alone brought them here and layed them in a bed."I say patting him on the back and taking a hit.

"She was engaged"he stammers and I look at him and he looks at me, a bit of something I haven't ever really seen on his face

"What?"I asked , not surprised by it though as she is quiet the pretty face, brown hair, the attractive Hawaiian accent and most strikingly
Her brown doe eyes.

"I got mad when I found out" he chuckled taking a puff "I forced her to tell me what happened. She ran from him, for some reason. Then she just dazed off in a memory shaking, crying , screaming for him to get off her." He mumbled and I saw a tinge of sadness but misty anger on his usually emotionless face
"For just a fucking minute, I saw her brake. A shield that she seems to hide behind faded and what was left on the other was as broken as I am."

This Lucien I haven't seen for a while, this Lucien was someone who he locked away a long time ago.

"All while at the end she was whispering -what did I do-I shook her and she looked at me for a second then fainted in my arms" he looked at me and for a second I saw my 6th grade best friend.

"What did she do"I asked and he shook his head. "I don't know, I think she might have hurt or killed him. She had a gun under her table in her appointment where we were attacked"

I looked at him in shock, "that little thing that sleeps like an angle with her mouth parted and her thumb resting on her lips. Had a gun hiding in her house"I asked and he nods

He looks down at his hands and back up swiftly "She's scared of something or someone"

"It's okay to be mad that someone, did something to her. It's okay to be interested by her"I said and he put out his smoke on the ledge throwing it to the ground.

"I'm not"is all he said before storming off towards her room again, I shook my head at his fear of getting hurt , she might not be good for him, she might take his money or brake him more, but that's what happens in love. He's scared to let someone take his shattered pieces he has put back together with flimsy glue, as brake them again. But what he's doesn't see is that that same person can take his prices and weld them back together.

That fear that keeps him away from love and the fear that made him only use woman for his desires. Is the thing that breaks him the most.

He needs help and I believe that she can help him.

That little flower shop owning goddess.

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