Chapter 6

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"Have dinner with me"

His words made me sit up in my bed, my meal for one almost sliding into the floor. The chicken nuggets mixing into the ketchup, the way they touched and messed up gave me ocd I don't like when my food touch.

Dinner? I though to myself staying quiet.

I stood up and paced for a few seconds , it's just dinner.

But what if he's the same as Thomas and he...

"Ah yah I guess , when"I ask and my answer surprised both of us, as I slapped a hand over my mouth and he stayed quiet on the other side of the line.

I don't want a relationship, and I sure as hell don't want another guy in my life. I've been through hell and I know what type of  hell men cause.It always happens in the end, he always gets tired of you starts to drink away his problems leaving you to pay his debts with the 2 jobs you have.

He starts out like the perfect person,but after a while you see who he really is a monster.

"Tonight I'll pick you up at 7"he stammers sounding sure of himself , before he hangs up quickly and I laugh knowing I didn't give him my address.

But he can probably get it the same way he got my number cause I know that my cell phone number sure as hell isn't on my website. I don't have a website.

So now I'm going to dinner with a strange man I've met 3 times both times it seems he was stalking me. What could go wrong?

I roll my eyes and look at the clock 1:20.

I smile and plop back down on my bed, pressing play on my computer as I snuggle into my covers and continue to eat my food.

As if i would be one of those girls who take forever to get ready. All you really need is hygiene and hair, and occasionally makeup.

The hours seem to fly by and so does the episodes of the office I'm watching. Despite me working and exercising I don't really leave my house that much, so me going out for dinner with a man the chances are pretty slim on that.

I made a promise after I escaped Thomas to stay away from men, relationships. I told myself that they are all the same , are all of them liars?

That's one thing that I don't like. I hate being lied to, if your going to keep something from me either tell me right away or make sure I don't find out.

Because once you break my trust it's not easy to get it back.

"Fuck! I only have an hour!"I yelled jumping off the couch and into my bathroom quickly stripping away my grey sweatpants and white crop top.

The water hit me fast and cold and I jumped but it changed to hot in an instant, the drops cascading down my side and onto the floor.

Strawberry shampoo and conditioner I washed out if my thick hair while a vanilla body wash scent clung to skin.

I turned the tap off, the white fluffy towel rapping around my wet figure as I brushed my teeth and plugged in my hair dry and straightener.

"Why didn't I do something different today? Different from my usual curls"I said to myself after I spit the Mitty toothpaste out of my mouth.

I was blessed with straight teeth so I didn't ever need braces not like back them I could even afford them anyways.

The alarm clock next to my bed read 6:43, so I ran into my bathroom almost slipping , to blow dry my hair.

My hair drys quickly so I straightened it, the iron making each strand become straight.

Can I really do this? The question hit my mind as I walked into closet.

Can I really just go to a dinner, for shits and giggles?

I grabbed my phone and sat down on the floor typing his phone number into my landline, trying to think of an excuse for me not being able to come.

But just as I was gonna press call.

The fracking doorbell rings and I'm still in my towel.

"All right fuck it"I said grabbing a dress from the rack and slipping it on as well as black shoes.

"I could just pretend I'm not home"I said as I walked to the door, but sure enough I opened it and there he was

He Really is Mr. perfect, I though as I glanced over his outfit.

"Ready" he asked slyly and I had a hunch he knew I was looking at him , but he was looking at me as well so I call a draw.

"Yep..."I said looking around my loft once more just in case I never see it again , because maybe  he is going to murder me .

"You own this"he ask looking and I rub my arms. "It was actually a really old loft , they were gonna demolish it but I fixed it up and now it's mine"I smiled and he nodded looking slightly impressed but semi conflicted on how I would've gotten all the money to do this.

"So were are we going"I asked as we walked towards his car, the sun was still up but it wasn't as warm as I though but I wasn't cold.

"Dinner"he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. He really isn't what I though before. I actually though in the beginning I was gonna hate him, but he... I don't hate him.

"No really?"I smiled an he nodded. I know for a fact that this is both new to us, he seemed unsure what to do but still he was serious the whole time, I could always sense this aura of anger around him.

Someone has to hurt you really bad to become so dark.

"So tell me..."he said looking at me as we drive down a strange city road , but I guess it's only because I never go into the city. I turn my attention towards him , my knees facing his way and my eyes on his perfect jawline

Why are rich people always so hot? It's super Cliché, this isn't some cheesy romance novel.

"Where are you from"he asked and I studied him for a second, his eyes barley leaving the road

"Hawaii"I said and he nodded, he no doubt was Italian, his black hair and tanner skin was a sure sign if that.

"I have one question"I asked and he looked my way before nodding. "If your married or in some relationship or your gay tell me now. I don't like cheaters"I said plainly and he smiled and looked at me amused.

"I don't have a girlfriend, I'm not married and I'm certainly not gay."he said with a smile and I was amazed, it seems like he never smiled

"Are you?"he asks looking at me for a few seconds observing my silence.

"No I'm not."

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