Chapter 39 - Christmas Surprises

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{not edited DONT hate me I was in a rush}

*Alia's POV *

"WAKE UP AL, WAKE UP!" I shoot awake at the loud yell of Nash's, Hayes', and Cameron's voices.

"What? What's going on?" I groggily ask.

They look at each other in utter shock.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS MORNING!" They scream. I jump up and run downstairs with the rest of the boys. The Christmas tree is lit up with beautiful lights and presents are spread all across the floor under the tree. I can't help but let a smile creep across my face from one ear to the other. I sit down in the floor next to Aaron and open my arms like a child.

"Present me!" I joke.

"Fine!" Taylor says and picks up a square box wrapped in red and white wrapping paper. He places it in my lap for me to open. They all look intently at me. I look at the tag thing that says who it is from. It reads:

to: Alia

From: Us

I smile and rip the paper off to reveal a box that is blue and silver. I lift the lid off it to see a rectangle shaped item wrapped in bubble wrap for protection. I carefully maneuver off the bubble wrap. It is a picture frame, two actually. Two picture frames, the fronts facing each other so that I have to pull apart the frames to see the pictures. I separate the two frames and look at the top one. My hand goes up to cover my mouth. It is the first picture we all took together. It's at the first MagCon I went to with them. All of us are in it...even Carter. We all looked so happy. It was my favorite thing in the world. I set it down and look at the other picture. I immediately drop it and scoot away from it with tears in my eyes. I hug Aaron and cry into his shoulder. I pick up the frame again and look tenderly at the picture. It is me, my mom, and my dad. My dad in his Army uniform. I bite my lip. He died three weeks after that day in the war. I was thirteen when it happened. I miss him.

"This is the best thing ever. Thank you." I say.

"There's more." Hayes says. I look in the box once more and see a bracelet that reads 'Family is Forever' I smile and put it on.

"You guys are the best!" I squeal. I walk around the room giving them all hugs. We all open our presents then as they play with their new stuff I begin to make breakfast. I make French toast, pancakes, bacon, and an omelet for me. I serve breakfast and we eat. After the meal I go up to Cameron's room, which we now basically shared. I pull out my phone and go to contacts. My finger hovers over the contact for a few minutes before I press it. The rings start and my heart races. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. Maybe she can't answer. Then her sweet voice flows into my ear as she answers, sounding unsure.

"Hello?" She warily says. Her southern, Louisiana accent coming through clearly.

"Hi, is this Mrs. Manson?" I speak into the phone trying to sound confident.

"Yes, and this is?" She questions, stretching out the first word.

"It's Alia. Your daughter." I breathe. I hear her gasp.

"Is it really you?" She slowly says. I nod and gulp.

"It's me, I promise." I say, on the edge of tears.

"Oh my god, dear lord! Merry Christmas angel, how are you doing? What's been happening lately?" She says into the phone, most likely crying on the other end.

"Merry Christmas to you too mom, I'm doing just fine, and I have a lot that's happened. I think I'll tell you about it after you tell me about you." I say quickly. She lightly laughs.

"Alright, I guess I will start. I recently moved into a small apartment but at the moment I am at your grandmothers retirement home, she's taking a nap right now." She chuckles and I giggle. "Nothing much has happened around here in the long time you've been gone." She sighs.

I take a deep breathe. "Take a seat because you're in for a long story!" I exclaim, stretching out the 'long'. I explain my whole log story from meeting the boys to MagCon to this very day. I make sure to describe Cameron with every single detail I know about him. I want her to know all that she missed. She remains silent until I finish.

"Wow..." She breathes. "So about Cameron," she starts. "Do you think your father would approve of him?" I gulp, knowing this question would eventually come. I think about it for a moment. My father always wanted me to be treated like a princess. He wanted me to find a man who would protect me if his whole life depended on it. He wanted someone who could overlook the bad parts of me and love every but of me, no matter what. I think Cameron fits my dad's requirements so after a few minutes if silence I nod and reply.

"Yes, he's perfect." I say smiling.

"Alia!" I hear Cameron yell from downstairs.

"I'm glad. He sounds like a good man. I have to go dear, your grandmother is waking up. Have a good day and call me soon okay?" She says.

"Okay," I say and end the phone call. I sigh. "Yeah!" I finally yell to Cam.

"Come downstairs I have a surprise for you." He calmly says. I smile, put down my phone and go to join him downstairs.

"What's the surprise?" I say as I turn the corner to see him dressed in a blue button up, black skinny jeans, and gray vans. In his hand he holds a beautiful rose. My eyes widen.

He walks toward me and thrusts out his hand with the rose. "Please accept this rose and go on a date with me tonight." He smiles. A smile spreads it's away across my lips and I nod my head furiously.

"Of course I will go on a date with tonight!" I squeal and lunge forward, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and rocks us back and forth.

"I knew you would say yes," he says as he releases. I take the rose and spun it in my hand. The thorns were removed from it and the petals looked side late and graceful. Amazing. "We will be leaving in about four hours." He says.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise. Here's a hint though, dress not too casual, but not too fancy." He says. Nod and spin on my heels a huge smile still spread across my face. I go to the kitchen and did a white vase. I fill it with water and place the rose inside it. I bring the vase up to my room and set it on my dresser. Then it hits me. I have to be ready for a mystery date in four hours.




No one actually likes this story so oh well

I'm thinking maybe only a few more chapter before we start a sequel?

I need names for the sequel so if you have any ideas comment please

I think I might stop doing authors notes because most people ignore them :\


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Love you minions! -K💕

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