Chapter 2: chubby

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Azura walked around the castle into the kitchen where her maids and butlers were hard at work cooking her and corrin a great dinner tho somthing about azura was off. Azura walked in the the kitchen as her tiny belly jiggled, azura was gaining weight, she gained love handles and a soft tiny belly, her breasts and thighs have also enlarged not by much though, and azura's face is starting to show signs of a second chin growing aswell. "Is dinner almost ready yet?" Azura asked her servants she had cooking for her "not yet lady azura it will be done shortly, but please have this plate of bacon to keep you satisfied until than. Azura took the bacon and started eating "mmmm sho good i could eat like thish for the resht of my life" azura said as she chewed on the bacon eating every last piece on the plate 1 hour later "lady Azura! Dinner is ready!" One butler said to her Azura and corrin sat at a large table. Corrin having one small plate of ham and potatos, azura on the other hand got 2 large slices of ham, 3 steaks, a large bowl full of frys, 1 large cake and 6 large burgers all with double pattys and no vegetables as she requested. Azura and corrin sat eating, corrin eating well mannerly and azura eating like a pig who hasn't touched food in 5 months, globs of food were flying everywhere as azura dug in. "So azura i see you really like food nowadays...hehehe..." corrin said. "Mmmhhmm itsh sho good itsh like ulp heaven on earth..." azura said. "Thats uh nice azure..." corrin said still shocked at the abundance of gluttony happening right before his eyes. 

2 hours have past and Azura was finished, corrin had been finished for an hour but couldn't get up from the pure sight of azura eating "UUURRRRRPP... Scuse me..ehehehe" azura giggled as corrin looked at her greasy, messy face In awe "im sorry corrin i really like food, its become a hobby to eat alot, i dont really want to cook, i want to eat!" Azura said. "Well azura if you really think eating is a pasion of yours than i won't stop you, just try not to put on too much weight, okay?" Corrin said sighing.

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