chapter 3: immobile and lazy

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3 months later
Queen Azura once had the nickname "Lady of the Lake" but recently her nickname has changed to "Queen Azura Lady of glutton" the nickname has come from her seemingly endless appetite.

Azura opens her eyes in her King sized bed. She reeks of sweat and other unpleasant odors. She is completely naked from most of her cloths being too small to sleep in. Azura opened her mouth and let out a wet and rumbling belch which was built in her from going to sleep immediately after feasting for her 5th time yesterday. Azura smacks her lips a couple times and yells "WHERES MY BREAKFAST!" despite being one in the afternoon. Four maids run in azura's private room with each one holding a large cart of food all for azuras ever growing stomach. "You shouldn't of kept me waiting." Azura said angrily. "I am so sorry your highness it won't happen again" the maid said trying not to pay attention to azuras horrible odor "*sigh* Fine but DON'T be late again understand?" Azura said. "Y-yeah your highness" the maid said as she walked away.

Azura has been getting what she wants for awhile now, it has made her Incredibly spoiled. 

A maid puts down a gaint plate of greasy food right in front of azuras swollen stretch mark covered belly and in between her giant watermelon sized thighs. Azura picks up a handful of greasy flabby bacon and shoves it into her swollen face while her jowls jiggled back and forth. She reaches her swollen fat hand in a large bowl of eggs while the other hand is holding a giant piece of greasy butter covered ham not caring that butter is dripping all over her giant fat naked leg. She shoves both the egg and ham in her mouth at the same time and washes it down with freshly heated syrup. As she is chewing she reaches for a chocolate cake and poors syrup on it and puts in in her messy mouth "Sho Shweet Shoo tashty!!" Azura said. 

30 minutes of eating later "BWUUUUURRRP! MAIDS IM READY FOR MY CLOTHES!" Three maids run in holding a giant white and blue dress, a large D cup sized dark colored bra, and a pair of giant brightly coloured pantys. The pantys and dress both had on the back "XXXL" the maids help azura up and dress her, still trying not to puke over azura's horrible stench. "Huff Huff....i shouldn't have to ..Huff... move that much when you...phew...huff.. maids are dressing!...huff" Azura said noticeably out of breath with sweat pooring from her bloated face. "We are sorry your highness, we will bring more people next time, we can't have our beautiful queen out of breath! To make you feel better we have brought this jar of chocolate!" The maid said as another maid comes behind the other maid and hands Azura the chocolate. Azura opens the jar and grabs a piece of chocolate with her sticky sausage fingers and puts the chocolate in her mouth "I really shouldn't *chew* be eating thish. I could get fat and i really don't want that to happen *chew* but im just so hungry, i haven't eaten all day." Azura said as she ate the chocolate completely ignoreing the fact she just had a giant feast of a breakfast. "Oh no your highness, you could never get fat, you look perfect right now! Just keep eating and we will keep serving" the maid said "in all honeshty i think i should *nom* be eating more! *chew* I've been feeling shlugish and i think itsh from me Loshing weight! So i was thinking, i want you to buff up my 5 mealsh aday to 7 mealsh a day plush a Desshert feasht AND a midnight shnack feast! *chew*." Azura said still eating her chocolate snack "oh yes my queen! That would be perfect! I will tell the all castle staff right now!" The maid said. "*Gulp* gah..that chocolate was so good! hungry. Maids i want my lunch right now!" Azura said "yes your brunch feast should be waiting for you in the dining room my queen, would you like me to call the castle staff and bring it up to you?" The maid asked "no I'll walk down" azura said "yes my lord" the maids walked out. azura gets off her giant bed and steps on the ground *THUD* *THUD* *THUD* *THUD* "Oh...huff...gods maybe i should have...huff...huff...wheeze...made the...gah....maids..huff..take to did this castle get so big...huff...wheeze..." azura said stomping Down the long hall taking breaks that she needed for a girl of her size "lady azura! Lady azura! Do you need any help!" A maid said to azura
"Y-Yeah...g-get me...huff..some...water...and some...wheeze...chocolates as really hungry...huff..." azura said as she sat down on the floor "Yes m'lady" the maid walked off to get azura exactly what she wanted 

Two maids walking down a hall talking "did you hear about the queen?" "Yeah queen azura really let herself go, i hear she splits dresses weakly and makes her dressmaker makes her new ones" "speaking of whitch have you seen king corrin?" "No i hear he went to go help rebuild the kingdom and left azura at the castle but that was months ago" "i wouldn't be surprised if he left a hog like queen azura, she started eating as a hobby but it ended up becoming a full on addiction." "Yeah i heard that she cares more about what she wants for dinner than the state of the people" "thats probably true to be honest" 

The two maids walk past a giant sweaty out of breath azura chugging water and eating chocolate while another maid watches in awe of the glutton azura has become 

The maids whisper "look at her! Shes more giant than i would of thought" "can we like walk faster. She wreaks" "yeah lets do that, oh gods i could almost puke smelling her"

1 hour of a break later

"Okay leave now im gonna walk to the dinning room now im starving!" Azura said "No m'lady that walk is to far for a queen, i will Escort you back to your bedroom and i will get the food to come to you." The maid said. "Fine, aslong as you'll help me up." Azura said
The maid and azura went back to azuras room and azura sat on her bed the bed creaked as if it would let out at any minute. "My food better get here NOW." Azura said "yes m'lady" the maid walked off 

azuras stomach growls "oof...ouch..oh stomach....i must be feels bubbly...and it ow... hurts..."
10 minutes later
Knock knock
"Azura can we come in we have food." A maid said "THANK GODS IM STARV-...ow...oof..." azura said as she was noticeably in pain. "Azura are you okay?" A maid asks "Yeah im just..ow..really...oof...hungry that my stomach...ow...hurts from it! Come in!"
7 maids walk in all holding carts full of food "lady azura we-" frrrrrrrrtt "ah that feels bet-" FRRRRRRRRRT "oh gods get lady azura to a restroom quick! Shes gonna-" Fffrrrllllbbbltttt "no time! Get her a bucket and a towl!" A maid said. three maids run out to get her a bucket and towl The room was filling up with a horrible swap odor "ow...i need" azura reaches with her sweaty fat hands and trys to get the food on the food cart. PLLLLLLLBBBTTT "IT'S COMING! COME ON" one maid pulls down azuras pantys and lifts up her dress another maid holds a bucket and lobs of princess poo comes out. Hitting the bucket at full force more and more keep coming out, it smells awful "I DON'T CARE ABOUT MY..ow..STOMACH ACHE ALL I NEED IS MORE FOOD " azura trys moving over to grab some food "M'Lady please stay still till you're done with your...aftermath...." azuras face flushes red with Embarrassment. "I...I....could you....hand me a turkey leg..." azura said "a-are you sure you don't want to start eating untill you're finished doing your business my queen?" A maid said stunned at the food addiction azura has "No, i want to eat now." Azura said 
" queen..." the maid said handing azura a turkey leg

3 weeks later
"...what wash that...?"
"Probably nothing..." Azura said as she went back to eating
Three maids run in and see azuras bed on the floor with an obese azura still in it eating like nothing happend even tho azuras face was beat red she just kept on eating "H--hey maid hand me over that pizza and get rid of those ushelessh barsh that were holding my heavy bed up NOW"
"Y-yes m'lady"

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