chapter 1: skinny

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Warning contains
•Extream weight gain
•mild scat
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Azura was a barefoot, blue haird, yellow eyed water Maiden, she sat at the window singing in her new castle her husband corrin got for them 

"hey azura! Are are you singing again?" Corrin walked up behind her and said. "Yes corrin" azura said "well is that all you're going to do?" Corrin asked "well now that you mention it ever since the war ended i have had nothing to do but sing, im quite bored..." azura said in a sighing breath "well azura how about you get a Hobby? I know you really like singing but why not try somthing else?" Corrin said happily looking at his wife. "Hmmm what do you propose I should do?" Azura asked " about you give cooking a try! A queen should always be a great cook!" Corrin said as he snapped his fingers together "cooking.... i don't know i never really liked food.." azura said "come on! Dont knock it till you try it azura!" Corrin said excitedly. "Well i guess i can try it.." azura said as she started to think "thats great azura lets put you on somthing easy first!" Corrin said. 

Corrin and azura walk into the large sparkling kitchen of their Castle, Corrin gets out a cooking book "lets see about some.." corrin said as he read though the large cooking book "brownies!" Corrin yelled. "Brownies...i dont know i never really liked sweets..." azura said "you don't have to eat them, you can feed them to the castle staff" corrin said "well..okay im gonna start cooking." Azura said "okay I'll leave you alone for abit." Corrin said leaving the room. 

3 hours later "Mm the brownies smell amazing!" Azura said as she sniffed the brownies "well I'll let them cool off for a bit then i guess I'll try one, no use letting hard work go to waste!" Azura said. 30 minutes later "Okay time to try one. Mmmpphh" azura said as she shoved a brownie into her mouth "oh...godsh thish ish mmmpphh DELICIOUS!" Azura yelled "i have to eat more!" Azura said as she grabed a handfull ignoring the nice squares she cut out and shoved it in her mouth. "Urp... OH Excuse me! Lets have afew more!" Azura said cheerfully.

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