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1 year later

A loud scream from a butler rang out
"Your lord you are finaly back from helping all the kingdom's people?" 

"Yes it was very hard to gain most of the people of ballad trust but i did It, i even got some hoshidans and nohrians to join our kingdom, we look to have everything going good!" Corrin said with a smile on his face "Hey Excuse me, wheres my wife azura at? I would think she would be one of the first people to greet me." corrin asked "the queen...." a guard said "whats the matter with her?" Corrin asked worriedly. "She's in her bedroom but she's..." "she's what!? Oh gods did she get sick!?" Corrin asked. "N-no she's in perfect health just..she's gained some weight...alot of weight" "GODS I TOLD HER NOT TO-" corrin ran to azura's bed room with a look of worry on his face

Corrin opens the door. He see's a giant pile of fat that was azuras stomach with 5 rolls and stretch marks all over covering her giant thighs which he could only see the sides of, swollen filthy feet, each toe looks like its a sausage with how fat they are, azuras arms were giant stretch marks covered piles of fat with hands that are balls of fat with tiny fat fingers, azuras boobs were giant but sagging and kinda flat, she looked to not even have a neck anymore since it was covered with three fat chins, her face was giant with two bloated cheeks and big jowls, her giant ass was covered with blanket sized brightly colored pantys. Two maids are feeding her giant globs of cake and one maid holding the cake as she asked them to do since she was too fat to reach food. They all had masks on to block out azuras stink for not bathing in over a year. Azura has truly become the queen of glutton. "OH MY GODS ITS KING CORRIN!" The maid holding the cake said the two other maids stop feeding azura to welcome the king back. "Wh-what happend to azura..." corrin said in a shocked tone of voice looking at his wife "Lady Azura will not stop eating she eats non-stop excpet when she sleeps, even when she goes to the restroom she is still eating..." a maid said. Corrin looked around azuras bedroom and saw how much of a mess it was, bones from meay were all over the floor, chip bags, candy rappers, brown spots behind azura that corrin didn't even want to look into, azuras bed was on the floor from when she broke it months before, and pizza boxes all over the place. Azura isn't just fat anymore she's a fat slob. 

"MMMMPH HHMMPPH PPHHH" a giant obese azura said trying to make words. "Azura wh-what did you do to yourself...?" corrin asked "C-o...rrin....Fo...ood..b..ring me...FFF..Huff..Fo..od.." Azura said "AZURA IS ALL YOU THINK ABOUT FOOD!? Awnser me! Why did you do this to yourself!?" Corrin pleaded for an awnser "HHH..un...ger...Neeeeeeeddd...huff..food"
Azura said
"Azura..." corrin said 
"C...Corrinn..I...love...you...i...a..m...H-appy like this...please take....care of me...my love...." Azura said 

"azura...I do not understand...but whatever makes you happy...I'll try to see it though!" Corrin said 
"thank you corrin...I love you...can you feed me those brownies..." Azura asked
"Sure my love whatever you wish" corrin said and hugged azura getting her, her brownies and feeding her it
"More..." Azura said

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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