Chapter 36: Joseph Bertrand the 3rd

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Chapter 36: Joseph Bertrand the 3rd

Cole and Cassandra ran all the way to the end of the section, where the chopper had crashed, they looked at the wreckage and saw no trace of Bertrand. "There is no way he's walking away from this one." Cole states as he and Cassandra peer inside the chopper. "Hey, Old man, you breathing in here?" Cole calls out as he hops inside and looks everywhere for him, but he found no trace of him. "Where did he go?" Cassie wonders aloud as Cole steps out next to her. Then Cassie gasps in pain as her head was getting shot with unimaginable pain. "Cassie? Cass?" Cole calls out to her as she went to her knees and his hands were on her shoulder.

Then they both heard a furious roar. "What the hell?" Cole questions as he helps Cassandra back to her feet. Then they both ran towards the sound, but the ground shook, throwing them off balance. "Okay..." Cole mutters. They both moved closer and closer to the sound and as they did, Cassie's heard hurt only more and more. But then the smoke cleared and there it was. A. Huge. Ass. Behemoth. "No way," Cole mutters to himself as Cassie took a step back. Then it opens its mouth and Cassie fires into it. "God! What is it with this town?" Cole questions as he too fires into the monster's mouth as well. They then moved back, staying at a good distance from it. Then Cole threw a grenade in its mouth and it whimpers as it explodes in the mouth. "HaHa! Pucker up, bitch!" Cole calls out as they make and turns and ran down the street, avoiding the acid spitballs.

The Militia then ran right past them and fired at the Behemoth, the thing then turns and shot its arms into the ground. Exposes the elbows, Cassie threw fireballs at the weak-points and Cole followed her action. "Militia gather up!" One of the men call out and fired at the monster. It then stops and opens up its chest. Cole threw grenades onto the purple orbs inside and they explode, making it whimpers in pain. "Ha! Take that!" Cassie calls out and Cole drags her after him. The Behemoth then moves forward as it roars at them. Cassie cringes at her head kept aching in pain. "Just hold on," Cole informs her, she nods at him and Cole looks back as saw that the elbows were exposed again, he fires at them, knocking down the monster's health. They then ran again and makes a turn down the street to the clock tower. They then stop and looked at the monster as its chest was open. Cole then uses his powers and lifts a car up and threw it right at the exposed chest. Making it take a step back. "You like that!" he calls out to it, then wraps his arm around Cassie's waist and they began to run again, Cassie looks back and saw the swamp monsters were running right at them, Cassie then gets loose of Cole and pulls her whip free and swung right at them, sending them flying back.

Cole stops and watches as she swung at them. As the last one drops Cassie collapsed onto her knees and pants, but then the Behemoth stops and opens it's chest up and a tentacle shot out toward Cassie, Cole ran for her, "Cassie!" he calls out with his hand held out to her, she just turns and looks at him, "Cole?" she whimpers and then a tentacle wraps around her and drags her right back to the Behemoth's chest and it closes it shut. Cole stood there in complete shock. It took her, it took his daughter and devoured her. Cole clutches his trembling fist and glares up at the beast. "Come on Asshole, show me what you got!" Cole shouts at him, but then they beast stop and wiggles in pain. Cole just watches as electricity was cracking over it.

Then a powerful piercing screaming echoed, making everyone cover their ears, the chest burst open and there Cassie was, in her pure electricity form, she flew out and turns to the Behemoth, and fired electricity right at the chest, making it cry out in pain. Cole watches with amazement as she was getting all badass on the thing. "Oh, it just keeps getting better and better." Cole chuckles as the monsters at were charging at him, were then electrified to death and were reduced to smoking ash piles. Cole then steps back as Cassie flew backward, following after him and they both ran down the way. The Behemoth following slowly after them as they came out from between buildings and were in front of the park. They moved backward away from the beast as it then shot it arms down to the ground and Cassie fires at one of the elbows.

Cole fires at the other one, as it was getting weaker and weaker. They then ran past the park and down the next alley. It then follows then and opens up the chest, Cole fires into it as Cassie fires into it as well and it whimpers in pain. "You're gonna wish you were never born... yeah, or hatched... or whatever the hell you are!" Cole calls out to it, it then closes it's chest up and marches forward. Then it stops and then shot its arms into the ground, then Cassie raised her hands up and summons down lighting and finishes off the beast. Then an acid cloud swirls around it as it was done. "Ho, ho, what's the matter, big man, you done?" Cole calls out. But then he looks up and saw Cassie was reverted back to her human form was falling to the ground, Cole moves right under her and then catches her in his arms.

He looks down at her and there was no damage down to her body, even her clothing was untouched by the electricity. Not a scratch or a scorn mark she then flutters her eyes open and looks at him. "Cole?" she mutters, he just smiles at her and pressed his forehead against hers. "You're okay," he mutters with joy. But the dust cloud drew their attention and they look ahead of them.


The Stinking gas, the howling, it was nothing compared to the filth inside.


Cassandra and I alone saw his true face.

Oh, that guy can run all he wants, it doesn't matter, we know his secret.

And we are coming for him.

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