Chapter 41: Best Served Cold & Enemy Surveillance

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Chapter 41: Best Served Cold & Enemy Surveillance

Cole slams his amp onto an Iceman as Cassie around-house kicks one of the Militia in the head and fired at him sending him to the ground. They look out at the ice men and Militia as they were laying on the ground dead. Cassie exhales as she looks at Cole. "These people seriously need hobbies," she states as Cole places his amp away, panting. "You're telling me something I haven't already told myself," he informs her.

She chuckles as Cole laughs, but then looks up and saw a woman waving at them, he pats her arm and she stops laughing and looks at him, "What?" she asks and looks up at the woman. "Oh," she states and then they both climb up to the top and pulled themselves up and stood in front of the woman. "Ice freaks and Militia are locking horns, but we're the ones who suffer. We can't take it anymore," she warns them and Cassie places her hand on her shoulder, calming her down. "We'll take care of this," she promises her. Then Cassie looks at Cole and they took off running, crossing the bridge and jumps into the power-line, then fly off the line and onto the roof as they were overlooking the battle.

Cole looks down as Cassie stood next to him, "Alright, you take that roof, Cassie, I'll take this one and we'll hit them hard." he informs her, she nods at him but then looks at the heavy on the other side. "Shouldn't we take care of the Heavies first?" she asks him, Cole stood up and looks at the heavies. Then nods at her, "Yeah, yeah, we should." he states and they both fired at the heavies, knocking down their ice pillars and they rained fire on the heavies, keeping them down and killing them. "Alright, the way's clear," he states, she nods and jumps into the power-line and grinds over to the other roof, she lands on it and opens fire onto the enemies below them.

Cole smirks and fired onto the enemies as well, but he stumbles to the side as he felt a bullet hit him, he growls then turns and looks, seeing an iceman reloading his gun. He then charges at the iceman and knocks him off the roof and fired at him as he was falling and he dies at contact with the ground. Cole exhales and threw grenades at the Militia as Cassie charges at the ice men and sent them flying. Cole smirks as the last of the Militia fell and Cole jumps into the air and thunder slams onto the ground and sent the Militia flying, Cassie charges out and fires at the flying Militia and finished them off.

The two looked out at the Icemen and the Militia as the battle was over, they were laying on the ground, dead or either wounded. Cassie exhales as she rotates her shoulders. "That went well," she states and Cole swung his arm over her shoulder and nods. "Yes. Yes, it did," he states and Cassie lays her head onto her shoulder.


Cole walks on the bridge on the lower grounds as Cassie was right behind him, "You think Flood Town will ever be restored?" she asks him, Cole shrugs, "It's possible." he states and she nods at him. But then they stopped as a man was waving his arms at him.

They step over to the side and jump down from the bridge and stood in front of him "I saw one of those ice freaks sneaking around. You could track him to his base and kick them all." he informs them, they both nodded at him and climb up the building, making it to the top and look down seeing one of the ice men running off to his base. "You take his right, I'll take the left," he informs her.

Cassie nods at him and glides over to the side, landing on the roof and tails after him, Cole, grinds along power-lines and jumps onto roofs and run along with them, keeping up with the iceman. They ran across bridges and jumps over the gasp of the way.

Then they got back to the base, it was a small space, but Cole and Cassie fired at the Icemen, taking them out, Cole threw the ice men off the side of their base, firing at them as they fell into the water and smack onto the ground. Cassie fires at the heavy, keeping his attention on her. Then Cole threw in some grenades and the heavy went flying off the side of his ice pillar as it shattered. He splashes in the water and Cassie ran to the side of the roof and fires into the water, killing the heavy where he landed. Then Cole exhales as he looks at her and she sat down. "Well, that was fun." she states and he smirks at her, "Yeah, it actually was." he states and sat down next to her, "You know, it will take a very long time to fix this city, right?" she asks and he looks at her, "We do what we can with the time we got," he informs her and lays down, folding his hand behind his head.

Cassie looks down at him and leans back on her hands, "With the time we got, huh? Seem like a short amount of time. Between the lying human Fanatic and the Beast, that's not all that far away." she states, he nods at her and looks at the night sky, "We made do with that we got." he informs her. Cassie exhales as she too lays back, "Then we do the best we can." she states and he smirks at her.

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