Chapter 59: Overcharged & Coast Guard

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Chapter 59: Overcharged & Coast Guard

Cassie lands on the ground in a squat position as two Icemen fell and smack against the ground. Then she ran into the oil stations and found Cole as he kicks one of the down icemen.

She ran up to him and he looks at her, "You good?" he asks, she pants and nods at him, but then his nods at her, but then his phone goes off. Cole places his amp away and he answers his phone.

Zeke coughs on the line, this worries Cassie as she looks at him, "Hey, man, the ice men brought down another substation. Overcharge yourself, and turn it back on." Zeke states as he coughs, even more, then Cassie steps closer, "Zeke, you okay?" she asks with worry. "Yeah, Darling, Yeah, I'm fine," he assures her and hung him.

But she felt discouraged at the cough he was hacking up on the line, Cole grips her shoulder and she looks at him, "We'll figure this out. I promise." he states and she smiles at him. Then they ran through the oil stations and climb up one of them, making to the top of the station and found the substation up top. Then they climb on top of it.

They both of them gasp as the raw electric energy coursed over them, they both chuckled at each other and looks around for the other Substation. "There!" Cassie points out, Cole looks out at the electric thunder in the air, lighting their way. It was far, but also still out there.

And they were going to have to be careful of where the land. "Ready?" Cole states Cassie smirks at him. "Set," she said as they got ready. "Go!" he shouts and they both jump onto the power-line and grind forward. They then jumped up onto the air and flew over the icemen.

Electrifying them to death and the land on the power-line and flew forward, then jumps over the next roof, killing the ice men and they land on the next power-line, thanks to their thrusters and grind on the next power-line and as they jumped off the power-line and flew down to the substation and overcharged it and killed the ice men surrounding it.

Cassie lands on the roof and looks at the bodies of the icemen, then Cole steps down next to her and he dust off his hands and pats her back, "Good work." he states and she smirks at him placing her hands on her hips. "All in a day's work, right?" she states and he chuckles at her.


Cole ran into the Works as Cassie fires at the Icemen that followed them, Cassie threw out a grenade and threw them back. She pants and stood next to Cole, "That all of them?" he asks her, she peeks out and reels back as she dodges the bullets. "No, not yet," she answers.

He nods at her and charges his rocket, "Switch with me." he states and they switch spots he leans out and fired at the icemen, sending them flying into the water and they drowned, "Did you get them?" she asks him and he exhales as he leans back. "Yeah, I got them," she states and they both relaxed.

But the relaxation was ended as a rebel then runs up to them, "No idea what set them off, but these gunboats pulled in and started shooting blind. We're getting massacred!" he warns them.

They both nodded at him and they both took off our of the works and they were at the edge of the water and saw the two boats as the Militia inside were firing grenades at the people.

Cassie growls as she jumps onto the edge and uses her tether to fly over and lands on a boat, Cole chuckles and pulls himself up then he uses his tether and flies over to the other boat, the Militia look up and aims their weapons at him, but he smirks and threw grenades inside the boat, blowing the Militia out of the boat and the drown in the water and he uses his tether and pulls himself back to land as the boat was sinking.

Cassie looks down at the Militiamen as they looked up at her, "Didn't your mother ever teach you? It's not nice to blow people up." she informs them and they aimed their guns at her, but she fired rockets at them and the flew out of the boat and into the water. She giggles then use her tether and flew back to land as she flips off the drowning Militiamen.

Cole ran to the edge and helps her up onto solid land and she pants, "That should keep everyone safe for now." Cassie states as Cole look out at the sinking ships.. he nods at her and they walk away from the edge. "Just about taken over the Works," he states and she giggles at him.

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