Arc 4.1 Queen Mother

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Arc 4.1 Queen Mother

Tian Xi woke up with immense pain in her stomach region. Opening her eyes, she saw that she had been impaled by a large piece of scrap metal that was more than 5 inches thick.

Her brows scrunched together tightly as she sat up and pulled open her wound even more.

"Fuck me...It can't possibly get any worse than this. First I died with an injury to my stomach, and now I woke up with one." Tian Xi wanted to cry but had no tears since she couldn't do anything about her two measly luck points at the moment.

She inhaled sharply as she pulled the large scrap metal out of her body without a care in the world as if she wasn't afraid of blood loss. In fact, something was telling her that it was okay to do such a normally self-harming act. Surprisingly, the area around her wound sizzled and the gaping hole in her stomach was filled and healed in less than a minute. What was even more of an eye-opener was the fact that her blood was yellow. Y.E.L.L.O.W! 

Tian Xi gaped at the metal that she threw to the side; her blood seemed to be acidic since it was melting it slowly.

Oh god. Am I still a human?! She quickly lifted her hands to observe them. Pale, thin white fingers. She sighed in relief. Thank god, I still have five beautiful fingers on each hand.

Her hair in this world was fiery red-orange and from her hazy reflection on the scrap metal that was deteriorating quickly, she could see that her eyes were a pale blue and she had a pair of enticing cherry-red lips. Her skin was flawless and soft like a newborn baby's, which was weird because she felt that this body should not have been so...perfect originally.

Her black clothes made of unknown webbed material were tight-fitting yet flexible with intricate glowing blue circular and linear designs trailing throughout. 

The surroundings were futuristic with pristine white walls that were stained with red blood (presumably human) and the floor was transparent made of yet another unknown material as it did not dissolve like the metal did after coming into contact with her acidic blood. She could see from the other side of the floor that she was currently in outer space. The round metal door was presumably the source of the scrap metal that was embedded into her stomach when she first woke up as it was missing a large chunk of it and she could see that the hallway that it led to was in no better shape than the room she was currently in.

There was an overwhelming and thick stench of iron floating around, which was to be expected as there were numerous corpses of humans lying haphazardly everywhere within the enclosed space. Some of their chests were ripped apart, seemingly from the inside. 

Tian Xi could feel another consciousness trying to overtake her own and it felt as if an ant were crawling around on and inside her brain, but she simply blinked and she could feel the foreign force withering away. Indifferent to what just happened, she told 001 to send her the mission and world details.

[Aye, host. Here you go.] 

Suddenly, a screeching scream resounded in her mind when the other force completely disappeared, making her wince in pain as the memories of the body quickly flowed into her.

This was a Level 3 World.

It was year 2940 of the Martian calendar, almost 1000 years after the humans left the planet, Earth. They currently inhabited Mars, and because their technology permitted it they had ventured further out into space using starships, space jets, and mechs among many other things. In 2940, the military received orders from the top four families of both A-92 and B-418, the 1st and 2nd largest and prosperous colonies on Mars at the time.

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