"second base" and "friends"

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I don't know any good titles, so DEAL WITH IT. Now to the story:


Juvia's POV:

He's so hot with his shirt off. Even his sweat looks hot. Someday, Juvia's going to have 26 babies with Grey-sama. Maybe even 47. The first born will be called Grey jr. then Grey jr. 2, then Grey jr. 3......

"You need to stop day-dreaming about Grey. Have you every talked to him before?" Levy said inturrupting my dream-no my FUTURE. Right now we are staying after school watching Gajeel and Grey practicing soccer "Juvia HAS talked to Grey-sama. We just prefer to talk mentally." I replied.

"Oh really? prove it."



Ok, they're about to end so I'll just tell him now. I walk up to Grey who's talking to Gajeel about something. "Hi Grey-sama" I said to Grey cheerfully "Oh, hey. what's up?" he asked casually while grabbing his towel.

HE SAID HI TO JUVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO SECOND BASE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE THAT LOVE RIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!

"Juvia just wanted to know if Grey-sama, Juvia, Gajeel, Erza, Natsu, Levy, Jellal, and Love rival wanted to hang out sometime." I said.

"Who's love rival?" he said in a confused way.

"Lucy" I said. Shit...now he thinks Juvia likes him.....Juvia stinks at playing hard to get.

The next thing he did was unexpected. "Ok we'll all hang hang out. I'll pick you up." he said and softly gave me a kiss on the forehead. I froze. HE KISSED JUVIA!!! Calm down Juvia. Gosh...It was a soft kiss that Juvia will never forget.

"huh.." I heard Levy huff. Whatever, she is just jealous also. People need to back off Juvia's man.

"Juvia has to go now.......Bye Grey-sama" I replied. "See ya." he said walking with Gajeel and Levy.

Juvia will not wash this cheek EVER!! unless I get another kiss.....


Levy's POV

While we were walking away, I noticed Gajeel snickering lightly. "What's the laugh about?"

"Since I lost some bet, he wanted me to ask out Juvia. I added in the kiss for extra effect. And Gajeel's extra lunch money." He winked.

"I can't believe you did that to Juvia. Gosh, if you're going to bet on something do something else." I huffed. Grey turned to look at me. "You know, If I had won that soccer game, then Gajeel would've had something to do with you, Levy."

"GAJEEL!!" I yelled. He bursted out loud thinking it was nothing. I crossed my arms to my chest.

"What would he do to me? The same thing you did to Juvia?" I said looking at Grey. I only think of Gajeel as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Although he's kinda cute, it's not like a hot cute, just a "good looking cute" every one's kinda cute in a way.

"Relax pipsqueak, I would never lose. Or ask you out." Gajeel said wiping a tear. "I just thought it would be funny since Juvia is obsessed with Grey." I was so annoyed with them. Can't they just do something else besides pick on Juvia. She's crazy, but she's also in love with someone who doesn't care about her. "I'm going to the library..." I muttered. "I'll come with you shrimp." Gajeel muttered.

While walking on the street, I couldn't put my book down. Its called Death Note.....So intense and amazing. "Shrimp, be careful. You're gonna get hurt." Gajeel said. "SHH!!! I'm fine." I said putting my hand in the shooeing motion.

OH, NO!!!! Ryuzaki is dead!!!! Light was Kira. I knew he was suspicious!! I knew it all along. He was going to gain the power back and now Misa-Misa is the second Kira!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEAM L IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!! L was kind of cute. I don't care what anybody else says.

The next thing that happened was so quick. I was so focused on my book, I forgot looking up seeing if there were cars "Get out of the way!!!!" Gajeel said pushing me out of the road. I was so scared. I don't know what's going on. I land on a soft patch of grass with Gajeel hovering over me. Our faces mashed together then becomes soft and sweet. I open my eyes to see that me and Gajeel were making out on the grass. Is it weird that my best friend kissed pretty good? Is it bad that I didn't want to stop? I quickly pulled away as soon as he did.

"Thanks" I said looking away for a few moments. "Watch out next time, idiot. And no problem." He said dusting off his clothes while getting up.

Suddenly, I see two people walking towards us. "Mommy, look at the cute couple who were kissing!! Are they dating?" Asked a little girl walking with her mother near the park. I felt my face burn up. "We're just good friends. Right, Gajeel?" I ask knowing he would obviously take my side.

"I dunno Levy, there's something I've been wanting to ask you now" He said putting his hand behind his back and got down on one knee.

I'm so CONFUSED!! At first, we were just walking. Now, he's trying to say something to me. What happened to the friends thing? "Sweetie, we better give the couple some privacy." when they were far enough, Gajeel began to crack up. I gave him a punch in the shoulders. "Baka!! Don't do that again!! They thought you were serious."

"So did you. You were blushing so much I thought you were gonna die of embarrassment and redness. We're just friends right?" He asked, extending his hand to make a truce.

"Okay. But that kiss is between us, ok?" I asked. I don't know what would happen if everyone else figured out about us and what happened. It would be too awkward. Especially Jet and Droy.

"It was more like a make out. Your hands on my arms and your tongue was so close-"

"Shut up. No more talking. I'm going home" Sometimes he is so annoying, but he's still my best friend. Which is weird.

He chuckled and went in the direction of his house. Walking distance, we are only 2 minutes apart. Now onto book 8......


Gajeel's POV:

She soo likes me. It's obvious.


AUthouRS NOtE:

Was that good enough? I don't shipp these hard, but I think I did pretty good for a newbie, Right?

L: Of course you did. Your so awesome and I love you!!

Me: Oh stop...........................................................Ok I'll let you go on.

Does L come back? I really liked him and had this weird crush on him. I also Loved how he ate like all the time.

Btw: gomen for people who didn't read it yet :(( but it was just so..........hcnfh3cuifgqga,gyx2b,xqtcu :3

BYE MINNA...(or whoever)

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