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Peter's brain stopped functioning.

There was no way this man was Harry Osborn. His friend Harry Osborn. The one he would play with on the monkey bars at school. The one he shared his turkey sandwich with at lunch. It couldn't be the same one. He didn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it.

Suddenly he heard Tony's voice. He forgot about the call. Peter wanted to shout at him for help, but Harry would kill Ned and MJ on the spot. So he sat there, praying that Tony would be able to sense the horror in his voice.

"You're lying." Peter said to Harry. 

"Peter?", Tony asked. "What's wrong? You sound scared." Help me, Mr. Stark. Help. Peter wished Tony would somehow get the message...

"Oh, am I?" Harry smiled. It was an evil smile. Why was he doing this? What happened to him after all those years?

"What, am I just supposed to believe you?" 

"Believe who? Seriously kid, what's happening?" Mr. Stark please. I don't know what to do.

"Why would I lie Peter? Why would I lie to the person I took comfort in as a kid? The person I told my secrets to? You helped me for so long. Now I want to help you." His eyes were piercing through Peter's skull. They were the same eyes he looked at as a little kid. The eyes of his best friend.

"Who was that?". Tony had to come. He had to help him.

"Why? Why this? What made want you do this?" Peter was trying to think of why his friend would do all of this. 

"There's so much we need to catch up on Peter, my friend." I am not your friend. Not anymore. He screamed in his head. He couldn't say it out loud. He had to stay calm. Stay in control.

"But that story can wait," Harry finished. "As of right now, I want you to made a decision. You can place these small gas chambers throughout the town," he explained, holding up the small cylinder, "or you can sit back and watch me kill your friends, starting with this one." He put MJ into a headlock and pulled out a knife. It was small, but big enough to do too much damage. 

How is Peter supposed to watch his friend, maybe the person he-he loves, die? He couldn't. 

At that moment Peter never wished so much that he didn't get bit by that stupid spider. Why him? What did he do to deserve this? 

"I'll do it." The words sting when he says them. Tony will be here, though. He will.

Harry puts the deadly cylinder in his hand. "You made the right choice." Did he though? Peter knew there was no way he could ever be the reason Michelle died, but could he really be the reason so many other did? All the children. Their parents. That little girl he saw on the TV...

"Peter." MJ said, her voice shaky. "Don't you dare. If you do this, you'll never be able to forgive yourself."

"I'm kind of at a lose-lose here Em." He was. And he hated it.

"Please. I don't want to be the reason those people die. Please. If not for you, then do it for me." It's like she read his mind. Peter looked up and saw a tear run down her cheek. He didn't want her to think she was the cause of the deaths that could come. But how could he live with himself? He wouldn't. Either way he couldn't. 

He let the gas chambers fall to the floor.

"That was a mistake." Peter felt his heart drop and Harry's words. Then he watched as he plunged the knife into Michelle's stomach. She screamed. Peter ran forward. Harry lifted the knife once more, this time aiming for her heart. 

Peter tackled Harry to the ground. For a teenager, he sure was big. Despite his size, Peter was able to get the upper hand with Harry under him. He punched him. Again and again and again until he felt another hand grab his. Harry twisted it with full force, definitely breaking it. Peter kept throwing blind punches, however, his anger getting the best of him. This man hurt MJ. He hurt Michelle. His Michelle. His friend. The person he loved.

Suddenly a read and gold figure came through the window. Tony made it.

Peter watched as Harry threw a smoke bomb at the ground, but Peter want concerned about following him, he wanted to find Michelle.

When the smoke cleared, he saw her on the floor, laying a small puddle of blood. There are no words to describe the emptiness in his stomach. He felt nothing. He was completely numb. It was his fault she was hurt. If he could've kept the conversation going for another few minutes, Tony could've saved them and MJ would be okay.

"Hey Pete." She said, a small smile on her face. How could she smile when someone just stuck a pice of metal through her abdomen?

Peter fell to his knees next to her. He put his hands on her stomach to try and stop the bleeding. 

"You'll be okay, MJ. It could be worse." Peter tried to comfort not only Michelle, but himself. This was too similar to Uncle Ben. Stop, Peter thought. She'll be fine... she's MJ.

"Mr. Stark! I need your help!" Peter didn't know what to do. But Tony could fly her to a hospital, he could help her.

"Sure, kid." Tony said. Then he turned his attention to Michelle. "Don't worry, you'll be just fine." With that he carefully took her in his arms and flew to the nearest hospital.

Peter felt a wave of relief wash over him. She'll be fine. She'll be at the hospital soon, in the hands of good doctors who know what they're doing. But that relief did not last long. 

Peter saw his phone on the counter ringing. He was getting a call from Aunt May.

"Hi, May." He said, expecting his aunt's cheerful voice to reply. He could use some cheerfulness right about now.

"Hello, Peter." His heart sank.



Alright I know it's been a long time but I'm really excited to finish this story. I might do a sequel... idk. I have a few ideas I could do... y'all might hate me a little if I follow through with it, though.

Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you tomorrow!


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