Aunt May, I Love You

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Peter froze. How many awful things could happen in one day? Why did this have to happen to him? What did he ever do? He just wants a good life. A happy one. For once, that's all he can ask for.

"Oh, Peter. You really didn't think this was over, did you? I have a few more tricks up my sleeve." Harry's voice chilled him to the bone.

"Where's May? What did you do to her?" Peter couldn't lose her. He couldn't. She was all he had left. 

"Don't worry, I have her. She's fine for now. I really don't want to hurt her, Peter. She was so nice to me as a kid." At that moment, Peter had never hated anyone more in his entire life. He wanted to go to Harry and show him no mercy. 

"What do you want from me? Why are you doing this?" This man had been his friend. His best friend. 

"It's not your fault. I have to tell you a little story. Sit back and relax, because once I'm done, I'll give you a clue as to where I am." Peter hated just sitting there, but he had no choice. If Harry found out Peter was searching the city for him, May would... he didn't even want to think about it.

"After my father and I moved away in the eighth grade, he was set on one thing. Making a weapon. But not just a weapon, no, a human weapon. He wanted to create another Captain America. He worked day and night. Year after year. He ended up with a serum, and everything seemed to be going to plan. When he thought he had 'perfected' his superhuman serum, he looked for test subjects. No one volunteered. They all thought my father was a mad man, which he was. I sat back and scoffed at him as he tried to trick people into testing it for him. Finally, I thought he gave up. He didn't. 

"One night, I had a group of friends over. During dinner, my father snuck his damn serum into our drinks. He was going to test it. On. His. Own. Son." Peter was shocked. He remembered Mr. Osborn. He had been so kind and light-hearted. The Osborn family had some real problems.

 "That night," Harry continued,"we all woke up screaming. The pain was unbearable. I still have nightmares about it sometimes. Some of my friends died. The others, well, you've seen what happened. I was cursed to this horrendous face. Because my own father was too caught up in his work to care about his son. The serum was a partial success, however. It gave my friends and I unbelievable strength, but that didn't match up to what we lost." Harry stopped talking. He took a deep breath. The evil, twisted Harry Osborn needed a break. Peter wasn't going to give him one.

"What about the gas? Why would you want to kill so many people? That isn't the Harry I knew." Peter still needed answers. He didn't care what Harry had been through. He was a horrible person who deserved the lowest of the low. Peter was going to make sure he got just that. 

"Well, after the whole incident took place, my father ran for it. I have no idea where he went. But I did know one thing. He was O-Positive. Ha, that little bit of information sent me into a frenzy! I convinced my friends to help me make a serum that would kill all O-Poitive blood-types, and they agreed. We were so filled with hatred. Still are. At this point, I don't care who has to die for me to kill my father. That man will die. He will die a painful death."

Peter was bewildered. Harry was willing to kill so many people, just so one man would suffer for his sins? He had truly gone mad. No person in their right mind would do that. 

"So you're willing to kill almost 40% of the world population just to get to one man. What is wrong with you?" 

"Yes, Peter. This man ruined my life. He killed my friends. You don't know what that can do to somebody."

"I know what it's like to lose people, to be different. And trust me, I never once thought about killing so many innocent people."

"Well, Peter, I'm not you." There was anger in his voice. Hatred. Peter didn't know it was possible to express so much of it in just a few words.

"Why start with Queens?" Peter knew for a fact Harry Osborn wasn't here. "Your father could be on the other side of the country for all you know."

"Don't worry Pete," Peter flinched at the nickname. "I know what I'm doing. If we get enough people sick, we can sell the antidote. We could make a fortune! Then we could have enough money to spread the gas further. All over the fucking world. My father is going to die." 

"You really are evil, you know that." Peter still couldn't imagine doing anything like that. He couldn't believe he was once friends with someone who is doing that.

"Do you want to know the clue as to where you can find your dearest Aunt?" Peter's heart skipped a beat. He had to save May, and he needed to be quick. The sooner he got the information the better.

"I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully. You ready? Here we go: She's in the place where you first losses laid their base." With that, Harry hung up. Peter knew where to go, though.

Harry was talking about the airport where the plane that killed his parents took off. It was abandoned now, as were so many of the places in Queens. Peter moved quicker than he thought was possible. Jumping out the window, he began swinging his way to the other side of town.

He was going to call Mr. Stark when he received a call from an unknown number. He picked up.

"Hello, Peter."

He saw the face of Harry and Aunt May in his suit. Oh gosh, May was strapped to a chair. What was he doing? Why May?

"Why are you doing this?!" He screamed, still swinging through the city.

"You shouldn't have gotten involved, Spider-Man. Now, you have precisely three minutes to get here before I blow the building into oblivion and you have to watch your dear aunt die. Bye-bye now!" With that he saw Harry walk away out of the building. 

"Peter!" May screamed. She sounded scared. She sounded so scared.

"May! May, it'll be okay I'll get you." Peter was using all of his strength to get there. He was going to make it. He had to make it...

"Peter, Peter I love you." No, don't say that. Don't fucking say it.

"I love you, too. You'll be fine. I'll get there." He wished he was more confident in that answer. He didn't have much time left.

"Peter, promise me you'll be safe, okay? The world need more heroes like you, but they won't have any if you're dead." She laughed a little. How could she laugh? Peter began to cry.

"M-May don't so that."

"Sweetie, we both know you won't make it. It's okay. I'll tell Ben and your parents you say hi." He was crying even harder now. She wouldn't leave him. He won't let her.

He could see the building. It was still so far. He went faster.

"I'll always be with you, Pete." Stop. Stop. This can't be real.

He was almost here. He was so close.

"May I'm almost there. I love you, I'm almost there."

"I love you, too."

And with that, he witnessed in horror as the screen in his suit cut off and the building in front of him burst into flames from the inside out.

A/N: I'm actually crying. I'm so sorry.

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