Chapter Five

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Beginning of chapter note!!! Hey guys!!! Sorry about not updating in forever!! I feel horrible about it so I'm making this chapter longer tonight! Thanks for the patience!!


When I finally got to 1st period, I told Alexis and Annabel about my Brent Rivera situation. And let me tell you, the doorway was not the right place.

"No way!!!! Omg Gianna!!!!!!"

"Tell me the WHOLE story!!!"

"Are you serious?!?!"

That was the various yelling and fangirling I got from them. Miss Susan wasn't very happy about it either.

"Ehm ladies, is there a problem here?"

"Umm no Miss Susan. We're sorry, we'll be more quiet." I say to the mid aged, yet nice Math teacher of ours.

"Okay so what are you gonna wear?! Oh em gee! We definitely should go dress shopping later! Yes! How about it ladies? Let's do it!" Anna exclaims while basically doing cartwheels around the room. Dang, did this girl eat plain sugar for breakfast?

Me and Lexi just look at each other with very confused faces on. Especially Lexi. And, wait a minute..If they have dates they would've told me! This is weird. Anna is hiding something and I'm about to find out what it is. And I was just about to say something when Lexi speaks up first.

"Wait but Anna. We kinda don't have dates if you didn't realize that. So why in the world would we-"

"Yea, about that..we do have dates!" Anna says as she cut Lexi off.

"Guys, I'm really confused. What's going on?" I say as both me and Lexi are giving Anna these weird looks.


Oh crap. Yea so I probably should've never done this, but I kinda may have sorta gotten Lexi a date without her knowing, or approving of it. And there a a slight chance I've been keeping it from her for a day or two..  Is that a bad thing? I mean, c'mon! Who doesn't want a free date, right?

"Are you two hiding your dates from me? Am I gonna get mad or something? Can you just tell me who your dates are please?!" Gianna spits out, now a little angrily.

"G! I promise I wouldn't hide anything from you! You know that! But on the other hand, another person might think differently. Annabel Francis, care to explain who my date is?!"

I can't do this to them! I have to tell them. I gotta be brave, alright. Here I go.

"Okay! Okay, I'll spill!  In homeroom yesterday, Dylan Christopher asked me to prom!! And yes, Dylan Christopher as in cute jock!!"


Okay so here Anna is torturing me with her story about her date to prom. She still hasn't told me anything! So whatever. I'll just be a good friend and listen to her mouth run for a little. And her story is actually kinda interesting, and weird. So I decide listen to her for real this time.

I look up towards the front of the room to check to clock and notice we have just about 30 seconds till the bell rings. So I alert them and get Anna to shut up.

"Hey guys. Bell's about to ring. We should get in our seats now."

Gianna and Anna just nod for approval and make their way to their seats. Yay, time for school. Time for my worst nightmare; math class.




Math is about half way over with when I remember that Anna never told me who my date was. Dang it, her non-stop talking distracted me. Great, now this is bugging me. Ugh and I can't sit still anymore. It also doesn't help that she's two seats in front of me, one row over. So I couldn't ask her even if it tried, well at least not without getting in trouble.

I sit for about another 5 minutes as Miss Susan goes on and on about Pythagorean Theorem, when I think of a plan.

I take a scrap sheet if paper and my pen, and ask to use the bathroom.

"Umm excuse me? Miss Susan, may I use the restroom?"

"Yes you may. But try not to take too long. We will be doing some partner activities for the rest of class today."

I could care less, but to be polite I just nod my head, then shove the pen and paper into my Magcon hoodie pocket and head out into the deep rugged hallways. It reeks of sweat and hormones, which sounds gross but it's so true. Many people, and I mostly blame guys, my age apparently have no idea what the heck deodorant is these days. Especially after 50 minutes of gym!

Once I enter the bathroom, I immediately choose the very last stall on the far right, and sit on the edge of the toilet, paper and pen now in my hand, and start to jot down some names. My plan is, that when I get back to class, I'll pass by Anna's assigned desk and put my craptastic hand written note inside of her ripped up sorry excuse for a 'homework folder'.

On one side of the paper will be a brief letter stating I'm gonna guess on who my mystery date is since Anna didn't tell me. The other side will just simply have the names.

Koty Lewis

Felix Parker (my ex)

Jared Dylan (Gianna's ex)

Joseph Rader (Anna's ex)

Jordan Fores

Ethan Michael

Tristan James/ T.J. (the mofo who broke Gianna's heart, after she broke up with Jared. Apparently Jared liked this girl named Jordan. Hmm who knows)

That is my list of guys who might just be it. Okay so that should be all. And hey! Only took me 5 minutes! But I should head back to class before people start thinking I fell in.!

Finally I get back to class, swiftly slip the paper into Anna's folder, and walked calmly to Miss Susan who would tell me who to work with.

Prom Night Miracle  (a Hayes Grier fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now