Chapter 15

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I slowly awoke to the sounds of beeping machines and angry yells, "don't touch her!" My eyes snapped open hearing Jason shout at whoever was trying to come close to me. "..j.ja...on" whenever I tried saying his name my voice would come out in silence, the words wouldn't leave my mouth. My eyes began watering knowing Jason wouldn't turn around and notice that I was calling out for him, he had his back turned away from me as he stood by the side of the end of the bed I was in. His hair ever so slightly white, my body felt weak but I still used my shaking muscles to push myself up. My whole body felt like it was ripping apart as I moved, I could finally feel pain and I wished I never did because it hurt like a son of a bitch. I slowly crawled on my hands and knees across the bed, when I reached the end of the bed I struggled breathing. I slowly reached my shaky arms out and wrapped them around Jason's neck, my chest squished against his back as I embraced him in a tight loving hug. I immediately felt his body stiffen under my touch but he soon turned his head to the side to look me in the eyes, "(y-y/n)" i weakly smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. His hair slowly began turning back to the normal red colour, "y-your okay?" He looked at me in confusion and a spark of happiness surged through his veins. I was resting against Jason and then the next thing I knew was that Jason had wrapped his arms around my waist and began spinning us around in circles like little kids would. He quickly placed me down on the bed and got a cup of water from the side, he placed his hand on the back of my head and leaned me forward as I took large gulps of water. I instantly felt my energy being replenished and I took a large gasp of air after he placed the drink back down on the side, "wazzz uppppp" I smiled and laughed at myself and began to violently cough. "Don't be an idiot" Jason began rubbing large circles in my back as a smile spread across his face "er rude" I said leaving my moth hanging open to show that I was acting immature. He laughed and then leaned down and lightly pressed his lips against mine. Our lips locked together and moved in sync as our body heat became unbearable, my lungs screamed out for air as I continued kissing him. We pulled away and took large gasps of air while staring into each other's eyes, a smile spread across our faces. "Are ya done yet" our heads shot towards the direction of where the voice came from, "OMG WTF IS THAT" I screamed and tried backing away but my back was met with the cold wall. It was a teenage boy with long black hair and grey eyes, his eye lids seemed to be burnt off and his skin was as white as his hoodie. A large smile was carved into his face, it seemed to be from ear to ear. "Dude that's gross" the boys face seemed to scrunch up in anger as his eyebrow twitched in annoyance, Jason tried holding in his chuckles but it didn't really work, it just seemed to piss the joker wonna be off more.


My eyes widened in fear as I realised that I had heard those words before, the famous serial killer, Jeff the killer. He was running toward me with his arm outstretched holding his knife while aiming for my heart, I tightly closed my eyes waiting for the knife to be plunged through my heart.

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