Friday afternoon

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After a week of classes and several point deductions from Professor Snape, I had decided to meet up with Hermione in the library. But after a lengthy conversation and several subject changes on my part we were thrown out and found ourselves beside the lake.

"Y/n, every time I bring up the topic of why you gave me an apologetic look a week ago you change the subject and I am talking about nothing else until you explain why you did that."

"I knew I was going to be in Ravenclaw and I hoped you would be too but when the hat announced Gryffindor I knew I should have told you"

"What do you mean you knew?"

"Did you know that there are supposed to be mermaids in the lake. Also the giant squid is an apparently immortal bei-"

"You're changing the subject." She said, slightly annoyed.

"I really am. The only other known immortal animal is a phoenix which Dumbledore owns, which I find quite amazing. Also, "

"Stop. Y/n if you're not going to be truthful with me then we can just stay apart until you are."

Hermione got up and was walking back to the school when I decided enough is enough.

"Hermione wait!"

Hermione smirked as she turned to face me.

"I knew I was going to be in Ravenclaw because." I paused. Did I really want to tell her? Yes. Yes I did.
"Because I am the descendent of Ravenclaw herself."

The look on Hermione's face was one of confusion and fascination and she practically exploded with questions that I spent all afternoon answering.

The following day I decided to show Hermione something rather special.

A/n: I don't know how many dirty minded people read this if any but they are just 11 so get your head out the gutter if you thought dirty.

I took her up to the ravenclaw common room after breakfast. She was astounded by the contrast to the Gryffindor common room and I led her over to the Ravenclaw statue.

"That is my great great great great great great great great great great etc etc grandmother."

I walked over and touched the gemstone in the centre of the diadem sitting in her head. Hermione jumped as the arm reached out and grabbed my wrist and inserted a small needle into my finger. Withdrawing it and bowing she moved aside to reveal a hidden trapdoor which I climbed down and beckoned for Hermione to follow. The statue put out an arm to stop her before I instructed it that she was a friend.

Then we descended into a room that made Hermione gasp. All around there were bookshelves with higher level books than the ones upstairs. Comfy chairs and sofas were dotted around all a lovely shade of blue. In the far corner beneath a tapestry enscribed with 'soaring where others cannot climb.'
Beneath said tapestry was a beautiful golden eagle that had been magically preserved and was the pet of Ravenclaw. On the opposite wall was a large map, showing everyone in the castle, hogsmeade and even diagon alley.

"This is. Just. Wow" was all Hermione could say.

"I know." I replied "and it's all mine"

She turned and smiles at me. I had clearly made up for my avoidance. But then she asked the question I didn't want her to.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I guess I was worried. I knew there was a test. And that the test would change depending on the testee. But I didn't want to influence you. You should have passed the test and whatever house you got put in would be the house you were in. When the hat announced Gryffindor I regretted not telling you. But that was where you belonged so that is where you must be." I replied. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"I forgive you." She smiled and I returned it.

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