7️⃣ - One Day 💙 Peter

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This imagine was inspired by the song "One Day" by Tate McRae.
Y/N's P.O.V.

"She stares at her ceiling once again,
With 100 thoughts"

I lay flat on my bed, staring at my ceiling once again like I do everyday. Blank and empty is a way of describing how I'm feeling right now. 100 thoughts are rushing through my mind at a rapid pace.

"Maybe he knows who I am?
Actually, probably not"

A question popped on my mind, "Does he even know who I am?" I ask myself. I glance outside my window and sigh, "Probably not."

"She walks down the hall with her head down low,
Scared to meet his eyes.
Even when she hears his voice,
She's swarmed with butterflies."

I walk down the halls with my head hanging low, bumping into people whilst I head to my class. I accidentally crash into someone.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I state without making eye contact.
"No, no, it's fine. It's completely my fault." I hear a familiar voice. I look up to meet those chocolate brown eyes that I fell in love with. I stand there paralyzed until I speed walk away without saying a word.

"It's impossible to get you off my mind,
I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99."

Finally, English. The only class I'm not distracted in because of Peter... I think. "Hey what did you get for question 8?" I hear my only friend in the school, MJ, ask me.
"Hmm?" I snap out of my thoughts, "Question 8?" She nods. I glance down at my book and see that I've unconsciously written 'Peter x Y/N ❤️' all over the page. MJ looks down at my book but I quickly cover it before she could see anything. She raises a brow. "Uh... I haven't got to that yet." I make up an excuse.
"Oh." she replies and goes back to her work as I sigh in relief.

"I've understood that you will never be mine,
And that's fine... I'm just breaking inside." I whisper to myself, my voice breaking at the end, as I watch Peter walk out of school while laughing alongside his best friend, Ned.

Peter's P.O.V.

"He always walks the crowded halls,
And is blinded by this light
A girl who keeps her head down low,
And never shows her eyes"

I walk down the crowded halls like I do everyday as I head to my locker. I hear a locker slam near me and my head whips towards the noise. Y/N. I lean against my locker as I stare at her. She suddenly locks eyes with me, this is the longest I've seen her eyes. They're so mesmerizing, you could get lost in them for days.

"He's tried to talk to her but there's no easy way,
'Cause every time he raises his voice,
She runs away."

"He-" I couldn't even get to say 'hi' because she just ran away from me, like always. I sigh and go back to my blank and boring life.

"Oh it's impossible to get you off my mind,
I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99"

I sat on my usual table at lunch, next to Ned, playing with my food. I lift my head up to see Y/N, sitting on the table in front of Ned and I, eating an apple and writing on a book with her glasses on and her hair tied up into a cute, messy bun. I sigh, resting on my hand, she always looks beautiful without even trying.
"Peter!" Ned waves his hand in front of my face. I look at him with my eyebrows raised, "Hmm?"
"You weren't listening were you?" he asks, sighing.
"Uh..." I think, then quickly glance at Y/N to see her leaving, then back at Ned.
"I'll just start again I guess." he sighs.

"I've understood that you will never be mine,
And that's fine... I'm just breaking inside." I whisper to myself as I watch Y/N, from the top of a skyscraper as I'm on patrol, walking through the streets of Queens.

3rd Person

"And one day,
Maybe she'll stay
And start to head over his way."

Peter shuts his locker door and turns his head to see Y/N walking towards him. There's no one else in the school hallway except them.

"And one day,
She'll look into his eyes
And instead of breaking,
She'll call him mine"

She steps in front of Peter. "Hi." she breathed out while making full eye contact with him. "Hey." Peter answers back nervously. "Umm, I was wondering..." she started.

"One day
He'll grab her by the waist
And force them to meet,
Face to face."

She shakes her head and sighs, "You know what, never mind, I can't do this." and starts walking away. Peter got the message and suddenly flicks his wrist so a web attaches to her waist. He pulls her to him, her hands now laying on his chest whilst Peter's hands on her waist. Their faces inches away while they were both breathing rapidly.

"And one day,
He'll look into her eyes
And say that you're my only light."

Y/N stares at him in shock, "Y-you're the Spider-Man."Peter smiles, nodding and looks deeply into her eyes, "You're my only light." She grins at this, laughing slightly whilst looking down at her feet.

"Oh, it's impossible to get you off my mind." Peter starts singing softly, lifting her chin up.
"I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99." Y/N joins in.
"Maybe there's a chance that you will be mine." they both sing.

"But right now..."

They start drifting apart. "Peter!" Y/N yells as she tries to go back to Peter. "Y/N!" he shouts back and shoots a web at her hand.
But it's no use, the web snapped.

"I'm just broken inside."

They both gasp as they wake up from their nightmare. They look around and see that they're still in their own bedroom, in their apartment, in Queens, laying on their own twin bed.

No where near each other.

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