13 - Remember? [Peter]

435 4 9

Requested by: @_Peter_Tingle_

Word Count: 3300+

A/N: sry for the super duper duper late update 😬but side notes: probably one of my best works ngl. angst?? swearing. lots of bucky being a soft dad and nat being a soft mom,, basically softie winterwidow going on bc i ship it so hard. probably everyone *cough* especially tony *cough* being protective of peter so :)

The quinjet lowers onto the grass outside the Avengers compound. The rear door of the jet opens as a familiar blonde super soldier, Steve Rogers, carries a knocked-out-Y/n bridal style. Most of the Avengers follow, Tony and Bruce at the front - clearing the way for Y/n - with Wanda next to Steve as she tries to keep Y/n unconscious using her powers. Vision calls for assistance, phasing through walls doing so. Rhodey, Sam and Thor follow everyone from behind as back-up - just in case Y/n wakes up - and Clint's being rushed towards Fury.

Peter's P.O.V.

I stay seated on the quinjet, my head lowered as I rest my arms on my knees. I see Nat crouch down in front of me. I look up at her, sending her a weak smile. She analyzes my bruised neck, "She got you bad, didn't she?"

My eyes crinkle in pain as soon as she touches my injured throat. I nod in response then take a pause. "It's not her fault though." I finally speak, my voice coming out raspy and wheezy - although it was much worse before we arrived.

The redhead's mouth tugs into a soft grin. I glance to the entrance of the jet to spot Clint walking back to us. Natasha stands up as Clint informs her, "Fury's asking for a mission report. He's worried about Y/n, wants to know what happened."

Nat sighs as Clint leaves, "Alright." She shoots me one last smile and makes her way over to Bucky who seems to be writing something down on a book.

Bucky's P.O.V.

I feel someone's presence behind me and I start to panic, knowing that they might see my journal. However, I relax as soon as I feel Nat's hands gripping my shoulders. I see her head lowering next to mine from my peripheral view. "Buck, do you mind keeping an eye on Peter while you finish up?" She asks gently.

"Sure, doll." I reply, biting my tongue as I write a bit more quicker, suddenly remembering something. Nat kisses my cheek and walks away. Once the sound of her footsteps fade away, I hear quiet sobs coming from the back.

I look at the glass in front of me, seeing the vague reflection of the Spider-Kid. I carefully turn my head around to see Peter holding his head in his hands as he continues to cry silently. "You okay back there?" I ask, trying to mimic Nat's gentleness with me.

Peter shakes his head as he wipes the tears from his face, "She-she doesn't remember a thing about me, or our friendship, or anything that we went through together." He sniffs and glances at me for a second, "I just- I just want her back."

I frown at his statement and close my journal, shifting my body around to face him. "You know, you guys remind me of what happened to Steve and I. Not exactly the best times of my life, those times." I laugh lightly, trying to cheer up the mood but frown again, failing my task.

The young boy purses his lips and sighs. "How did you do it?" He asks after a short pause.

"Hmm?" I hum, not understanding the context of his question.

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