4- Getting Back In

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       After getting a good rest I decided I should call my grandma and let her know I was okay.
"Hello, my Emerald" she answers after two rings.
"Hi grandma, I am in New York now and I am safe" I let her know.
"Thank you for letting me know. You are were you are going to be needed the most" she tells me.
"I hope I am grandma. I really hope this is the right thing to do" I tell her.
"Trust me it will all work out" she says though I can tell she knows more then she is saying.
"You already know the outcome don't you?" I ask her.

"I can't say Emerald, I still think your parents would be proud that you use that as your code name" she says to me.
"That's why I did it, to honour them" I tell her.
"I know Cassandra. Just be careful from now on okay" she says to me.
"I will, I love you grandma" I say to her.
"I love you too Emerald" she says as she hangs up.

After talking to her I give Alex a quick call and thank him for everything. Once I am done talking to him I leave my room. I decide to grab something to eat and head to the kitchen. I open the cupboards and am surprised to see that Gwen had fully stocked it with food. I make myself a quick bite to eat then decide I should try and find the gym Steve Rogers frequents. I go back to my room and quickly look at the files on him and read the address and see it's not to far from me. I quickly change into some workout clothes and decide to walk there.
I leave my apartment and lock it behind me. I head out and off down the street. After walking a few blocks I finally spot it. I walk in to see it's a 40's style gym and there is only a few people inside. I spot my target at the back of the gym, punching away at a bag.

I go close to where he is and decide to act like I don't know what I am doing

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I go close to where he is and decide to act like I don't know what I am doing. I walk over towards the blonde haired man surprised at how well he is, "sorry to bother you but can you help me?" I shyly ask him.
He  stops what he is doing to look at me, "your first time?"he asks me.
"Yeah, I just moved to New York and figured since I'm a single women in a big city I should learn some self defense. This was the closest place." I lie to him.
"It's no problem ma'am, first we should wrap your hands up then get you some gloves" he says as we make our way over to the equipment.
"I see you don't wear gloves" I mention to him.
"I'm a bit of a pro ma'am"he smiles at me.
"No need to call me ma'am, names Cassandra" I say as I hold out my hand.
He takes my hand in his and shakes it, "Steve Rogers" he smiles, my heart skips a beat at his smile.
"Surely your not thee Steve Rogers?" I ask.
"One and only, now lets get those hands wrapped and get you some gloves" he says as he takes my hands and wraps them, then gets the gloves on me. We head back to the punching bag and he shows me what to do and I start to hit the bag.

        For the next few weeks I continue to frequent the gym and become friendly with Steve

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For the next few weeks I continue to frequent the gym and become friendly with Steve. My visions continue to happen and start to get a bit more intense. This morning I woke up and felt like today was going to be different.

I decided to spend my time doing more research on Steve and the rest of the people Fury had decided to recruit, when Alex sent me a message. Something big had gone down at the SHIELD headquarters, there was an item that had been taken and Fury would be showing up to see Steve tonight.

I show up and just as I am about to enter I see Steve talking to the one person I had been waiting for. I stay back trying not to be seen or interrupt. "You should have left it in the ocean" I hear Steve say angrily and see him start to walk away and I quickly hide so I won't be seen.

"I know you are here Miss Austin" I hear the other man say. I step out of my hiding spot and look at him.
"How long have you been watching me Fury?" I ask him as I stand there with my arms crossed.
"The minute you showed up here. Didn't you think we would keep tabs on the Captain since he woke up" he says to me.

 Didn't you think we would keep tabs on the Captain since he woke up" he says to me

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"I knew you would and you probably know why I am here" I say to him.
"Guessing you have seen what's about to happen because of a God named Loki" he says to me.
"So that's his name I only ever saw what he is going to do and how it's going to be stopped" I explain to Fury.
"And that is how exactly" he asks me.
"I think you know since you just talked to the Captain" I say to him.
"And will you be part of the Initiative?" He asks me.

"I'm here talking to you aren't I" I say to him.
"Then welcome back Agent Austin" he smirks at me.
"Just tell me where and when" I say to him.
"At headquarters tomorrow 0800 hours" he says.
"I'll be there" I say to him.

"It's good to have you back Agent Austin" he says then walks away.
Well this is it, I'm getting back in I tell myself as I leave the gym and head back to my apartment.

Well this is it, I'm getting back in I tell myself as I leave the gym and head back to my apartment

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