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Tyrrell POV

I was feeling crazy, Lamar was not talking to me or trying to have any type of contact with me. He been avoiding me every turn he gets. It has even gotten to the point where I can barely see him in the hallway at school. On days when I do see him he always bumping heads with Jabari and Lilly. I noticed him, and Hanna has gotten close. I'm happy for that, in this small amount of time she been more of a friend than Jabari every was. That was another thing, Jabari ass won't leave me alone. Every time I turn he is popping up somewhere. Talking about how we should go together now Lamar left me. I love Lamar too much to just let him go like. First it was the leaked video of us and now this plan that was set up to break us up. Fuck that I'm not letting him go.

After school let out I headed over to Lamar's house. I just wanted to talk to him and whether he wanted too or not we were going to talk. Ringing the doorbell a couple times the door swung open and it was Marvin.

"Now, the only reason why I just haven't swung on you is that my problem not with you. It's with that messy bitch Jabari, now what you want though?"

"I need to talk to Lamar and he not answering none of my calls and texts."

I said feeling frustrated and annoyed.

"Well, I wouldn't answer none of your calls either after what you did to him."

"Bruh I didn't do anything, I was drugged and that was not me."

"Ok number one you can calm down, besides it's none of my business yall will have to work that out. Anyway, now if you are looking for Lamar he not here now. He with Hanna and I don't know where they went."

"Do, you know what time they will be back?"

"Umm, if I did I still wouldn't tell you, bye."

Marvin said, and he shut the door in my face. Fuck, even his family believes I did this shit. I was fuming all over again and all I was thinking was to fuck Jabari up for this shit. Every moment I'm not able to talk to Lamar I was losing him. Pulling out my phone I tried my location to see if I could track his phone. I still could remember his info to track him. Getting a hit, they were at Hanna's house I sent him a text that I was on my way over. I knew he would answer but I still did it. A couple of minutes later I was pulling up, luckily, they were on the porch laughing. Looking up from his phone, Lamar face expression had changed from happy to annoy quick.


I shouted to him as I rushed to get out the car.

"Look, Tyrell, I think___."

"No, Hanna this is between me and my boyfriend."

I said cutting her off as I ran up to them.

"Lamar, you want me to___."

"Nah, its good...I'll just meet you in the house ok."

"Ok, bye Ty."

Hanna said as she left into the house. Rolling his eyes at me Lamar turned his attention to his phone. Showing no sign, he was interested in what I had to say.

"Baby look I___."

"Don't call me that."

He said under his breath.

"Ok, look...whatever happened that night you got to understand that it was not me. I was drugged, Jabari showed me the video and_____."

"Oh, damn yall recorded it too...nice"

He said sounding sarcastic. I clenched my jaws trying not to get angry, but he was not trying to hear me out and I was starting to become pissed.

"Baby please____."

"I just said not to_____."



Lamar yelled at me. Finally, I had gotten his attention. Not the way I wanted but I see now that he was still thinking about it.

"You fucking cheated on me with what was my best friend. Like what the fuck you want me to do, act like it didn't happen? It was recorded. Drunk or drugged Tyrell you should have never been there in the first place. You know how I feel about Lilly and what you go and do? You associate with this bitch Like it was all cool."

Lamar's eyes teared up. I could see his veins in his neck flexing. I was feeling worse because he was right, I should have never been there in the first place.

"Lamar, I know and that my fuck up, but you know I would never cheat on you baby."

I said squatting down in front of him. Placing my hands on his thighs I squeezed and rubbed him. Grabbing my hands, Lamar pulled them away and held them in his hands looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"I have had the worst month ever, I let myself sleep with you during school hours and what happened? I become the schools first porno release, I lost my best friend to that fuck ass bitch Lilly and now this. Instead of my man is with me, he goes and attend a party thrown by my enemy and gets drugged and raped by my ex-friend."

"And that's what I'm trying to tell you, baby I fuck_____."

"It's over Tyrell."

He spoke calmly to me. Shutting his eyes, I watched a tear run down his face.

"Lamar please, you know I love you. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."

I said feeling like I just took a gunshot to the chest. He was really leaving me.

"I know, and I love you too, but I can't, all I keep thinking is about you and Jabari and that night. That's all I see when I look at you."

"No Lamar please we ______."

"I'm going on a date, Tyrell."

Lamar blurted out. Instantly it felt like a second shot.

"What, wait you what?"

"My cousin and I are double dating. I met someone, he seems cool and I'm doing it."

"So, just like that, we done."

"It's the end of this school year. There is a lot that I'm leaving behind in the past after I graduate. All the hurt, all the pain, all the no-good people I came to meet and dealt with. I want to move on from this and I am."

"So, what you are saying though?"

"Tyrell, we are done."

Lamar said again. Leaning into me he gave me a small kiss on the lips and then wiped it away. Standing up he turned and headed into the house leaving me there lost. I couldn't believe it. I really lost him.

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