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Lamar POV

"I want to congratulate our scholars for they are coming to an end of one part of a journey, but of course, the beginning of a much larger one. It is filled with challenges, but if there's one thing I know about you, having started with you you've got perseverance. You know what struggle looks like, you know what overcoming struggle looks like, you have so many academic achievements. But academic achievements are only part of what you've accomplished. You've grown socially and emotionally. We are so very proud of you! High school was full of amazing opportunities, but you, our class of 2018 are responsible for taking those opportunities and transforming them into meaningful experiences for yourselves. Promise me that you will have the courage and the confidence to take yourself seriously. It is your turn. Take your life in beautiful and bold directions. Start leaving your mark. Envision greatness in yourself and seize every opportunity that you can to achieve it.

For when you start to live your lives and embrace this new journey you will begin. You will know then that everything that you have experienced and learn here at Glenmore High School was all worth it. Your hard work has paid off. Everything was for a reason and that reason was to bring you to this day right here. As I close out my speech today I want to leave you all with this a statement that was once told to me and I quote - A foot out the door is a foot into your destiny. ­­- Meaning your step from here is a step into your new future.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, I would like to present to you, Glenmore High, graduating class of 2018!!!"

Finally, principal Grant said his last speech. Giving everyone the go we all moved our tassels to the opposite side of our hats and that was it. The whole stadium went up in a roar. Everyone was cheering and celebrating, hats were tossed to the sky and everything. I felt a sense of relief come over me. This chapter of my life was finally done. Looking up at the stand I saw my mom and cousin trying to make their way down to meet me. Pushing my way through the crowd I met them halfway at the steps.

"Oh, my baby I am so proud of you. My son has finally graduated."

My mom sobbed bear hugging me squeezing the dear life out of me.

"Yea now there no more getting up early for school. Thank you, Lord."

"Now you got to get up early for work. You not about to lay up on my auntie and not be doing nothing."

Marvin barked trying to sound all tough. Popping him in the shoulder he hugged me, and we laughed it off.


I heard Hanna yelling louder than everybody in the area. Rushing over to me she jumped into my arms and we both jumped around shouting like little girls. Even though we haven't been friends long, I really enjoyed this moment with her especially.

"Girl now we can go to college and be roommates."

"Hell, yea and we can work at the same job oh we can turn up finally cause we out of school."

"Well, I don't care what either one of you do as long as your home for the Holidays."

My mama said interrupting our moment. Hugging on her, the stadium was starting to clear out and we were all getting hungry. I invited Hanna and her folks to come to have dinner with us since it looks like our friendship will be growing over the next few years we wanted our parents to meet. Gathering everybody we all headed to my house. Heading straight for the kitchen my mom and Hanna's went to cook up a meal for everyone. About two hours later, it was looking like the movie soul food in here they had cooked up so much I was ready to invite the whole neighborhood.

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