Dual Quanta Quanta

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Duel Quanta Quanta

Thus, now it is apparent there need to be some sort of quanta that can follow all the observations of the universe beginning with the dimensional analysis.

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Figure 1: The six dimensions of the presented universe. The top is the numerical expression and the bottom is a representation of the effect of the dimensions in space. Note that the fourth dimension is a relative velocity between all things, but also an absolute velocity relative to the nothingth dimension; which, once applied makes nothing a hard dimension to observe.

As can be seen in this particular theory there are only six dimensions (plus possible missing dimension(s) – Please See Missing Dimensions), as per Figure 1. From nothing to three dimensions are fairly standard; while, the fourth dimension is a relative velocity– what would be considered time. The fourth dimension (time) is actually a relative velocity that occurs between all things. Though, in this theory there is an absolute velocity relative to the øth dimension – more later. The only reason time may be separated from velocity is due to the observation that any object in motion will remain in that motion until some force acts on that object1 – Newton's First Law; hence, if you know the velocity and how far the object must travel you know the time which the object will take to pass the distance. Below, Figure 2, is the rendition of the dual quanta quanta.

The simplest way to achieve three dimensions is two single dimensions (with 0 thickness) collapsing upon themselves – Figure 2. Each of the single two part (red and black) quanta show handedness; yet, both the black and the red single dimensions may be thought of as the same thing – a single dimension with a handedness to collapse (potential from collapse and hence rotation).

 Each of the single two part (red and black) quanta show handedness; yet, both the black and the red single dimensions may be thought of as the same thing – a single dimension with a handedness to collapse (potential from collapse and hence rotation)

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Figure 2: Two single dimensions collapsing upon themselves. Note the handedness of the materials (chirality). Also note that there are two dimensions present with 0 thickness and a predescribed length.

Note the handedness of the materials in Figure2. If you utilize the right and left hand rule and follow the charge quanta(red) with your fingers and point your thumb through the center the way themagnetic is passing through its center. If it is right handed material, at thetop, it has come from the surface of negatively charged particle towards thesurface of a positively charged particle– if it is left handed, at the bottom, it has come from the surface of a positivelycharged particle towards the surface of a negatively charged particle. Thus, negative charged particles generate right handedquanta and positively charged particles generate left handed quanta. Though,generation is a loaded term.    

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