Charge, Magnetic, and Gravity

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Charge, Magnetic, and Gravity

Torque between quanta cause one ring to break – only one ring, as no force great enough can then be generated to break the other ring. This plays key on how the charge quanta (unbroken ring) interacts with the magnetic quanta (broken ring) in, as proposed, a space filling model based on a radius that for all intensive purposes may be considered 1; though I generally consider this distance to be the Schwarzschild radius2. This would mean that in ground state there is only a space filling model in planarity within the confines of the rings, but once one of the rings break, the space filling becomes a three dimensional entity. It is interesting to note that before one ring breaks the two single dimensions show no difference, and there is no direct reason for the dimensions to be different. The idea of charge and magnetic being the same thing – a unified concept.

For the ground state both rings may interact, see Figure 3, towards the outside in direct contact until one breaks, see Figure 4, and there is a defined difference in what would be charge and magnetic. After the break charges can touch charge, magnetic can touch magnetic, were both interactions are similar and produce a similar acceleration (see Magnetic). After the break, one of the dimensions (what would then be magnetic) is at a potential to collapse into the other (what would then be charge) to achieve ground state – where there would now be a space filling result between magnetic and charge of the radius of 1. The magnetic would be kept at a potential distance due to charge-charge (quanta of a single charge field string) interactions.

Figure 3 presents the interactions of the dual quanta quanta-quanta – both charge and magnetic may be considered of equal interaction in the closed quanta or 'ground state'. Note the spin of charge is of a constant immutable speed (the speed of light) in the interaction where if one circular quanta touches another (external to the space filling collapse of the magnetic and charge describing a quanta, as this remains at r=1) there is an acceleration. If the touch is of the opposite direction (spin in the same direction) and being there is an acceleration, the frequency (speed) of rotation of the ring remains constant, and there must be a velocity taken up by the interacting quanta in the direction of the next interaction (ie they move forward along the source of acceleration that is the incoming external quanta dimension). Specifically rotating around each other in a plane – i.e. as the two external interacting quanta try to have more that a single point in contact the other internal quanta will not allow this to happen (unbroken there is just something else there, and with a single broken dimension, magnetic, falls from held potential to prohibit this action). If the dimensions interact externally and they are spinning in the same direction, they none the less accelerate forward and into each other and cannot increase the frequency of their spin resulting in popping apart (lightly) as momentum reflects from their mutual attraction around each other in the same direction. Bear in mind that the charge quanta as presented remain spinning at the speed of light and may move up to the speed of light absolutely; while, magnetic may only move absolutely at the speed of light – Please See Photons. There are two basic interactions, without angle, same spin and opposite spin as shown in Figure 3.   


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