Black Holes
Black holes may be thought of as just a whole bunch of dark matter piled into one place. At a certain point gravity cannot dilate particles anymore and its force is just too much for particles to survive. They simply decay into their component charge field strings and magnetic field lines. These have of course gravitational potential that is utilized (can create gravity). A black hole may also fill gravitationally dilated space with dark matter (as proposed), making it very dense - denser than possible by outside measurements.
It must also be noted that if gravity observesthe Shapiro effect it could never escape the event horizon of a stationarynon-spinning black hole. Yet, if there is a slight uncertainty to the dilationcaused by gravity, there is an uncertainty of position of the quanta of a blackhole, and there is an uncertainty of the position of the black hole itself.Gravity could escape due to uncertainty of the position of the Schwarzschildradius2. (this does not even consider the effect of dilationcreating space as the Hubble expansion is increased)

Lego Universe - QUNM
Non-FictionThis is how the Universe can go together like Lego. It's greatest advantage is the ability to correctly allow the positioning of the magnetic field lines. The theory goes on to give explainations of such things as: Gravity Time Dilation Due to Veloc...