–Though, I'm not entirely convinced that (especially in the case of entanglement through overlapping wave function – for example Cooper pairs) that there is not a gyroscopic magnetic collar accounting for the opposing spin resultant of entanglement. Whereby, there are two types of spin: a spin of the particle as it spins into incoming charge quanta, and the spin of a moving charged particle that is an induced magnetic field collaring the particle. These magnetic field lines carry momentum that could act as a gyroscope; whereby, the particle is already pre-destined to collapse with a certain spin. While, the second particle, as in the case of Copper pairs, would have the opposite magnetic and actual spin. As long as these particles are not accelerated the gyroscope will keep them at 180˚. This effect could also be noted around the center of the expansion of a (charged?) gas. The magnetic collars being magnetic could coalesce linking the gas molecules, atoms, ions, and etc such that light would interact with all (many) of the particles simultaneously.
None the less, in the case of photon entanglement, photons are particles too simple to have absorbed or desorbed gravitational energy. Hence, a photon may stay entangled at differing gravitational permeations16; while, a particle would most likely lose entangled state as it rotates at a differing frequency due to gravitational permeation. Yet, if the particle is gyroscopically magnetically collared and the acceleration is at the correct trajectory (such that the gyroscope does not observe precession – Please See Figure 31) the particles may still show 180˚ in spin center in differing gravitational permeations. If particles prove to show a loss of entanglement in the differing permeations of gravity it would be a proof that photons stay the same size whilst more complex particles and their composites change size. This is due to the fact that the speed of rotation is tangentially equal in differing gravitational permeations, but the size of the particle is larger under higher gravitational permeation; hence, the rotation rate is slower.
It would seem that an uncertainty problem might better explain photon entanglement. It would seem that the entanglement of the photons could be as a result of the absolute lack of knowledge about the photons polarization at 180˚. Since we have a degree of freedom that is absolutely unknown (technically 4), and as per the recent measurement beyond classical limits17, the polarization of the observed orthogonal entanglement must be absolutely known once we know the polarization of one of the photons. This can be viewed through the dual slit experiment where: if we absolutely know the particle travel through a specific slit we absolutely know the particle acts as a particle; whereas, if we absolutely don't know which slit the particle travelled through we absolutely know the particle is acting as a wave.
It is also evident that entanglement decreasesentropy, as order in the universe is decreased.

Lego Universe - QUNM
Non-FictionThis is how the Universe can go together like Lego. It's greatest advantage is the ability to correctly allow the positioning of the magnetic field lines. The theory goes on to give explainations of such things as: Gravity Time Dilation Due to Veloc...