Chapter Two

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As soon as we left the apartment, I immediately regretted it. There was SO much traffic, and I hated driving in a lot of traffic... But, I quickly got over it. Why? Because I knew I was going to the mall!

Just then, my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey babe! Are you coming to the mall today like we planned?"

It was Casey. I sighed.

"Yes, Case. We just left the apartment not even 5 minutes ago. We're gonna go eat at iHop, then probably go to Walmart quick." I explained.

"Ok! I'll meet you there at 11! I can't wait to see you!"

"Ok, Case. Can't wait to see you either..."

I hung up. Good thing I did, too, because we had been sitting in the iHop parking lot already. We walked into the restaurant and waited to be seated. It was packed...

"Hey Chris, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. If they give us a table, just text me where you're at."

"Oh, boo-frickity-hoo. You'll figure out where I'm at. Just go."

I laughed at the 'boo-frickity-hoo' thing, since our uncle says that ALL the time. It's like, his catch phrase. I started walking over to the bathroom when all of the sudden...

"Ow, man! Watch it!" I said.

"Oh, gosh. I am SO sorry. I didn't mean too..." said a voice...

I looked up and could NOT believe my eyes...

~Cliffhanger! Sorry for the short chapter... I just like suspense! I'll actually be updating almost all day today, so no worries! Ilysm~

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