Chapter Six

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"Hey, Chrissy! I'm gonna take the car to Applebees. Mingus and I have our first date!" I yelled into Chrissy's room.

"Okay, what time were you thinking? Because I think Norman is coming over around 7, and I don't want you here when he gets here."

"Why not?"  I said, laughing. "Do you think I am going ot embarass you like Mom and Dad used to when you brought guys home?"

"How'd you know about that?" She asked, with a hint of pain behind her voice.

"You used to tell me about it all the time..."

Chrissy and I's parents weren't exactly "parent materiel" I guess you could say. It all started off with our mom. She had Chrissy when she was only 15. Luckily, my dad stayed with her. But she was still a teenager, so it was hard. She partied a lot when Chrissy was a baby. She didn't only drink, but she did a lot of drugs. Things like Cocaine, Heroine, and LSD's.

When Chrissy was 11, and my mom was only 26, I appeared. My dad was happy with me, since he actually had a steady job and could support me and my health needs. But, when I was 2, my mom partied a little too hard. She shot up on way too much Heroine, enough to overdose. So, she died, if you couldn't tell.

After my mom died, my dad couldn't handle the pain. My mom was REALLY disfuncional, but he still loved her. He usually laid around in bed most of the day. My dad lived that way for 5 years. But, it got old. When he was 34, Chrissy was 17, almost 18, and I was 7, my dad commited suicide. I didn't understand at that age, and Chrissy never really explained it to me.

But, she took care of me from there. We live happily together now in this little apartment on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia. My sister's friend Chantel lived with us for awhile, but she was kicked out later, since she would not stop bringing her boyfriends over.

"Okay, anyways, I'm gonna be leaving around 4 or so because Mingus wants me to meet him at his house so we can go together." I said quietly to Chrissy. I think she was remembering everything that happened to us... I couldn't blame her. I thought about it all the time.

I loooked at the clock on the oven, and saw that it was about 2pm. That meant I had about an hour and 45 minutes to get ready, and 15 minutes to think. What was I going to think about? Who the hell knows. I laughed.

So, I went over and into our bathroom and plugged in my curling iron and blow dryer and jumped in the shower. After I did my whole shower routine and dried my hair, I started curling my hair. I had half of my hair curled when I got a text from my favorite person in the world.

*Hey babe:) Can't wait for our first date!! Just know you can come over whenever, as long as it's before 5:)))))))))*

If you couldn't tell, it was Mingus.

*I'm just finishing my hair! I'll be there in 20 minutes?*

He replied almost instantly. I was pretty impressed. *Ok(: I'll see you soon beautiful!*

I smiled and finished curling my hair. That took about 5 minutes, so I slapped on some makeup and called it good.

"CHRISSY, I'M GONNA GO TO MINGUS'S EARLY," I yelled to my sister when I was in the doorway of our apartment. "I LOVE YOU!"

"K Whit. Love you too weirdo." She said back. "And wait!"


"Don't take it too far with him. It's been a week!" She laughed.

"Yeah, thanks Chris." I said laughing.

I ran through the apartment complex out into the parking lot, and realized a major factor of me getting to the Reedus household. I had to know where they lived.

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